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Posts posted by broker-len

  1. I've on this sight for some time---give my oponion sometimes and try to sell stuff---in every post I beg those who want to contact me just to E mail me as I always give my address----as I get close to 70 I am learning that it is asking to much for some people----=-why some one would want to go through the promps and play with this web sight I doint know---as I have done before,,,just lost a message for a reason I doint understand-----guess I'me getting old --------------------------bobnroman@yahoo.com

  2. in the 70s I paid to have my motor rebuilt after very few miles and all these years had to do it again,,,,,they did a CRAPPY job------when we took the pistons out they were new but because of assembly problems they are scored on side was told we COULD reuse them but I went to new stuff---so I have a set of 30 over pistons with rings with very little miles on them---------will give you a deal on them----contact me at bobnroman@yahoo.com<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

  3. in the 70s I paid to have my motor rebuilt after very few miles and all these years had to do it again,,,,,they did a CRAPPY job------when we took the pistons out they were new but because of assembly problems they are scored on side was told we COULD reuse them but I went to new stuff---so I have a set of 30 over pistons with rings with very little miles on them---------will give you a deal on them----contact me at bobnroman@yahoo.com

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