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Hudsy Wudsy

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Posts posted by Hudsy Wudsy

  1. There are some very nice looking brown colors out there. Both Chrysler and Cadillac have offered some beautiful browns. This brown really only approximates the color of something that belongs in a toilet. It's particularly awful. I like to think that it's the responsibility of some of us to share our cultured acquired tastes with others so that they may elevate their mundane and banal natures. lol

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  2. Three or four years ago I drew attention to one of these. It's not all that significant looking, but this '48 Olds 98 was the only GM car that year to share it's body with the new '48 Cadillac. The Cadillac was a milestone in that it introduced us all to tailfins. This poor Olds looks somewhat plain without tailfins and, while it's grille is similar to other post war Olds, it's cut down in height so much that it looks almost plain. For some reason Buick wouldn't get this body for another year --'49.

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  3. At seventy-two I don't encounter new words as often as I once did, but "fettling" (from fettle) was new to me. It means to sort out, fix or put in tune. Actually, it's one we've all heard fairly often as in, "she's in fine fettle". I guess that I've always assumed that they were saying "fiddle".  Hudson sales climbed to third place in '29. The highest position that they would ever reach.

  4. 15 hours ago, Pilgrim65 said:

    Always wondered why we call back storage compartment ‘’boot’ your American trunk makes more sense , while I prefer bonnet to your American hood 😁

    A Google Image search for "bonnet" revealed mostly head wear:

    Cat Bonnet-Archie McPhee

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