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Jack Welch

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Posts posted by Jack Welch

  1. On 6/29/2018 at 9:26 AM, JohnD1956 said:

    FYI, In case anyone thinks I am shirking my duty to prepare these minutes.  As of this writing I now have more than 12 hours into transcribing the first hour of the membership meeting.  I do not say this for pity.  But just to let you know I am working on it every day and trying to get it done as quickly as I can.

    John: I don't know if I should pity you or me at this point , as It looks like I will be taking on a challenge here.

  2. 1 hour ago, MCHinson said:


    I am trying to understand this issue. Can you explain how the "current roster and procedures of the Prewar Division were outdated as per BCA requirements". I am trying to understand what that means. Can you explain what was wrong with the current procedures? From all of the information that I have received second hand, this statement is confusing to me.

     No, I was a member  in attendance during the meeting and posted what I remember hearing , as has been said several times , it should be clearer once minutes have been published , rather than relying on one's memory and hearing in a crowded room. I have not ever been a member of the Prewar Division , so I have no inside info to share.

  3. 9 hours ago, bhclark said:

    There is only one.

    There was a dispute over who might be the director.

    Jack Gerstkemper presented a petition to be appointed to put together a committee to draft by-laws for the Division so that a director could be duly elected.  There were apparently no existing provisions and the existing membership "roster" was outdated.

    So, Jack is the contact for the Division in the Bugle and for people to contact requesting to join or to confirm membership.  (confusion as to "new" because there recently hasn't been a listing for Pre-war in the Bugle)


    Sorry for the confusion.


    Again, for further clarification, please stand by for the general membership meeting minutes to be transcribed and posted to the BCA website.  Thanks to John D for his dedication and thoroughness in this endeavor.

    Matt: :as I remember the discussion, the current roster and procedures of the Prewar Division were outdated as per BCA requirements, and Jack Gerstkemper was put in charge of providing the reorganization. This will lead to an election of officers.

    Most of the discussion regarding National Meet parking was with myself and John Steed. That conversation was primarily with Mark Shaw , who represented himself as head of the prewar Division. John and I were acting as members of the National Meet Committee , not as Club officers. I know this is just nitpicking a bit, but I am trying to put it in perspective. It was not up to John or I to determine if Mark was head of the Prewar Division or not at that time. He indicated that he was, and the job got done. Hopefully after the Prewar Division elections the matter will be sorted out.

  4. I have just returned from the 2018 Denver National Meet. The Mile High Chapter did an outstanding job of putting on their first National Meet. There were nothing but smiles to be seen in Denver .

    Some highlights would be a great selection of 1929 models, a very decent selection of prewar cars and very early cars to boot. The folks form Denver ran a meet with almost military precision. The show field was well organized and with help of some prewar guys, they were able to layout prewar  altogether, chronological parking. This has been an issue for way too long and this test of the feasibility of doing it was most successful. There were a few small glitches in the judging process by using it, but nothing that should not be able to be resolved going forward. Dave Wojahn and his crew got the job done in fine order. I was Head Judge for this meet, and so I could not get the time to go on any tours, so I would leave any comments about tours to others.

    There have been reference to what went on during the membership meeting and the BOD Meeting, and I would ask all to defer comments on that until the minutes are published.

    Alan Oldfiled was reelected President , there was a tie vote for Vice President. (another election to be held when a full Board is present) Bob Saffrit was elected Treasurer, and I have the impossible job of replacing John DeFiore as Secretary.

    Looking forward to Pete Phillips and his crew running next year's Meet in Oklahoma. 

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  5. On 6/8/2018 at 9:18 AM, Ben Bruce aka First Born said:


     Nice compliment, John.


      You know, we hear all the complaints and crap about folks. Here is a compliment and I ,for one, have no idea what is  being said!  I would like to hear the good things. How was a disaster, that I/we know nothing of, taken care of?   Sometimes I feel like a mushroom. Or was I just asleep?  Probably never know.



    Ben : Chuck did a great job indeed with the Springfield National  Meet. The truth of the matter is that BCA members have a long tradition of "once more in to the brink" and it is usually so well done, that no one except those close to the situation ever know about it. We have a great Club, with many members, some known, some unknown that always come to the rescue. 

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  6. 19 hours ago, sligermachine said:

    DO I need to buy tickets to get in the show grounds ?? 

    Name of hotel close to the grounds .?

    You do not need a ticket to be on the show field. You would need to be registered to use the hospitality room and other meet activities. The Hampton Inn is close to the Marriot , which is the host hotel.


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  7. 10 hours ago, Barney Eaton said:

    Was the original question about tours to sites during the national meet......you ride a bus   OR

    Tours where you drive the car you bring.....either before, during, or after the meet?

    Yes, Barney, the original question and intent of the thread was to see what members prefer at National Meets for types of tours and whether they would prefer to drive or be taken in a bus. Sometimes we have no choice about the method of transportation due to parking restraints, etc and some times it is a matter of choice . Knowing the type of tour preferred will also help the National Meet Committee decide were to set up tour destinations.

    Tours before and after the Meet, are really not part of the National Meet Committee's planing , and are currently being very well handled by the BDE and PWD.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Brian_Heil said:

    I wouldn’t say so Jack, don’t quit before you try. You just swap days/venues or mornings for afternoons with two groups if you get too large.  Watch your meal venues for adequate seating. The Glidden Tours travel with over 200 vehicles. It just takes homework. Older/slower cars leave earlier or you give the more modern cars a little longer route, you just don’t tell them. Ha. 


    When the National Meet comes to Ohio in two years, we’ll put on a good one.  Hope you join us. 


    Reminds me of of setting up chairs with my Dad at church as a boy. 


    Me:  Hey we may be running out of chairs.  


    Dad:  That’s the whole idea son.  

    Brian: I know what uno mean, I have run Classic Car Club of America Caravans, but this is about National Meets. We barely have the manpower to put on a Meet. Tours like you are speaking about are way beyond the scope of what we can effectively do. Our tours are to local car collections, points of interest, etc. The type of tours you are referring to are really separate events.That type of tour is better left to the BDE, Prewar after the meet tour, etc.

     I am certainly looking forward to the Cleveland Meet. We (The National  Committee ) have been working closely with the Chapter in the planning of that meet.

  9. 1 hour ago, Brian_Heil said:

    My 2 cents. 


    The Pre War Division has had pretty good luck with its After Tours, after the meet beginning on Sunday morning.  Typically 3 days. Sunday we move to a little out of the way town to get a cheaper group rate at a hotel or motel. It’s a hub tour so we are never more than 50 miles from the hotel. All are welcome, heck, drive a rental car, we don’t care. See some neat stuff that we gather intel from local BCA’rs or other car clubs that have toured in the area that you would not otherwise see.  Pay as you go, no mark-up or Tour fee and we try to get group rates and save that way too.  Free works too. 


    Also a Driving Dinner on Friday of the Meet with a good route and a good venue. No $50 rubber chicken either.  Very well attended. Again, all are welcome.  Take a cab for all we care or ride with others. It just takes some homework. 


    We tend to hang at the Meet, to meet and greet at Thursday arrival to Sunday departure and not get on a bus.  I think the ladies tours are a good thing. But for the most part, we come to see each other, kick tires, enjoy a cool drink of your choice and BS in the shade. Oh and look at some cars too. 


    Having run a number of tours, you have to be mindful of walking distances. Some can’t walk great distances so keep that in mind.  See the outside stuff in the morning when it’s cool. See the air conditioned museum or collection in the afternoon heat. 


    A good coffee stop in the a.m and ice cream in the afternoon is not at option, it is a requirement. 

    The tours that you guys do are much more involved then what we can deal with at the National Meet level. It is a great option for attendees wishing to see and get a  feel for the area. I am thinking you have a limit on number of vehicles?

  10. 2 hours ago, Matt Harwood said:

    I would encourage some differentiation for the ages of the cars. Maybe early cars do one day's tour while the later cars do the next day's tour and they alternate. Whenever we take our 1929 Cadillac on a tour, we're constantly feeling like we have to rush to keep up and every tour stop we arrive just in time to watch all the "modern" cars rolling out. It's not a race or a competition, but the old car just can't keep up with even something from the '50s. That's no fun. I'm sure the folks in the even older cars feel the same way. Touring with cars of a similar vintage could be a welcome relief, especially in the AACA where I'll bet a majority of tour participants will drive something from the '70s or '80s. 

    I agree with you on the difficulty of keeping up in a prewar car Matt, and we can look at the logistics of it, but given all that has to happen at a National Meet, and the relative small amount of early cars, I am not sure it is doable. It will be interesting as this thread goes on to see if we get more requests for early cars only. My thought process is to issue a  sort of a "triptik" and map for tours and let everyone proceed at their own pace. For the most part there will only be one destination in each tour. Let's see where this goes.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Thriller said:

    Well Mark, in a month or two, the Bugle wrap will have 2019 registration with tours and prices so it makes sense it is already planned out. The bigger the group, the longer the logistics need for planning. 


    That is correct, the pricing, listing for the Bugle, etc is all done and has been ready for awhile. The fact of the matter is, we have a variety of tours, planned, thanks to Pete Philips and his crew. I think there will be something for everybody . The new suggestions thread is up and ready for constructive comments.

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  12. The purpose of this thread is to try and get an idea of what members (and their spouses, et al) would like to see on National Meet tours. One of the hard parts in planning a National Meet is coming up with tours that appeal to attendees. The most constructive comments would be those pertaining to costs, interests and bus tours vs driven tours. The discussion of the effect of those tours and the effect it has on vendors would also e helpful. (for instance, should the length of a National Meet be lengthened to accommodate both entities?) It is one of my jobs on the National Meet Committee to come up with a list of standard SOPs for running National Meets, so your opinions here could be veery helpful in that regard.

    A tradition in the BCA for many years was to provide only positive comments about prior National Meets. That tradition has suffered a bit in the last few years, but for our purposes, I would ask that you not go back and criticise former tours, but let us go forward from here. 

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  13. Based on the complexity of the tour discussion and the fact that it already beyond the Denver Meet and actually beyond the Oklahoma City Meet to make changes at this point, I will try and start a new thread to get opinions about what members would prefer to do on future National Meet tours , and likes . dislikes.  

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  14. On 5/25/2018 at 12:49 PM, Mark Shaw said:

    I think many feel that way & should bring it up for discussion with the meet committee. 

    I believe all tour venues should be available without paying for a bus and include club discounts when arriving in a Buick.

    Mark: This is a dilemma that the National Meet Committee and the host Chapter face with every National . Trying to establish a balance so that vendors taking the time , effort and expense to come to a National Meet , verses the demand for tours. The bus issue is another thing altogether. We have a lot of members that fly in to meets, and need transportation to tour venues. Often members can also drive their cars if there is sufficient room to park at the venue. Each National presents its own set of challenges and opportunities and all we can do is to look at them one at a time. The National Meet Committee meeting is open to all members, and we as a committee welcome suggestions.

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  15. On 5/25/2018 at 4:12 PM, 38Buick 80C said:

    We'll be taking one of our fleet of private planes out...you know the ones that say American Airlines on the side...that we will share with like 150 other people


    Actually used some of those frequent flier miles to book the wife and kids...I paid for my flight so I can replace some of those miles...


    Our only must do is the Clive Cussler car Museum...though I'm trying to talk the wife into getting some fake IDs for the boys and heading to Coors...?

    Hey Brian: Skip the Coors Brewery and go a bit farther to Ft Collins and tour the New Belgium Brewery. Home of Fat Tire Beer. Great funky place, I. think. kids are allowed. I can check for you . The former taste room guy (just retired) is a friend. You know me - always know people in the right places.

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  16. Try Jon Henry or Mac Blair. I don't have Mac's contact info handy,  but if your are in the Buick Club of America. , contact info  for both is in the roster. Real name is Maclellan Blair from PA.  Jon is from MA. They both have a good selection of early Buick parts. I think Bob's Automobile may be making a rerpo also.

  17. The modern cores do not have the same heat transfer as the original cores. The old Honeycomb radiators had more cooling surface. If you want an original core, I would recommend Chuck Niles at Honeycomb radiator in Maine. He always has a wait, but he is the best in my opinion. Eating to get my 41 Cad radiator back from him as we speak. I know this is an area that a lot of people try to work around, but these cars ran Ok, when they were new, and I never had any overheating problems, when I had my '31 with an original honeycomb core in it.


  18. The only down side to this switch system is sometimes trying to start or restart a Buick so equipped on a hot day. You can get a pretty good POP back through the carb when you hit the accelerator. I have installed a switch under the dash along with the standard system on mine so that I can avoid giving it the gas on really hot days.

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