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Transmission modulator help

Guest CL_Reatta

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Guest CL_Reatta

I went out to Auto Zone earlier today and picked up a new transmission modulator per Phil's suggestion to my trans problem. I got it, and the box looks pretty beat from shelf wear, and the part must be older than me plus some. The paper that came with it has "wide-range" adjustment instructions, with instructions with how many turns with certain cars. My problem is that I have no idea what any of that means, the whole instruction paper might as well be written in Latin, the installation instructions are just as helpful, and the list of vehicles stops at 1981. I don't even know how this goes on, and only know that its located somewhere on the drivers side below the hood. I really need some help lol. thanks.

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Guest F14CRAZY

The replacements are much smaller than the originals, so no worries

And the aftermarket ones are indeed adjustable. I've referred Brian to pick one up from Advance, which wil be by Rostra Controls

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Guest CL_Reatta

$86 eek, I think im just gona go to autozone after school tommorow and return it, and head to advance and get one. Thanks for all your help guys

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The modulator modifies the line pressure inside the transaxle changing the firmness of the shift. The adjustable ones allow you to tailor the shift feel by changing the amount of vacuum the modulator sees. The shift firms up naturally at greater throttle openings due to lower manifold vacuum. A bad vacuum line to the modulator can cause hard low throttle shifts also.

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Guest Brad Gales

The modulator can be adjusted using a small slotted screw driver through the end of the valve where you attach the vacume hose. When I replaced the modulator in my 88, I just adjusted to my shift preference through trial and error.

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If the diaphragm fails, it will not hold a vacuum and trans fluid will get into the intake? BEFORE cats were in the exhaust system, you would know when the modulator failed just from the cloud of smoke? With a cat you will not necessarily see the trans fluid burn in the exhaust.

If you remove the vacuum hose and check with a q-tip there should be NO trans fluid in that line. KennyV.

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Guest CL_Reatta

Well, I installed the new modulator last night, and on my way to school today I still had the same symptoms which are it does not shift out of first and sometimes acts as if in neutral after traveling about 2 blocks. The only way to get out of it is it goes away after my temp gauge shows 2 bars, or if I give it about 3/4 throttle from a stop, it will then give a hard shift into 2nd at very high rpm?s, and doing about 30. After it can go into second, it shifts normally until the car sits for a while and gets cooled off again. And then it starts all over again. Is it possible that the modulator not being help in all the way could cause this? Or maybe I have a vacuum leak somewhere? I really don?t want to think the worse.

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The bad news is that I had the same (or similar) problem last summer, and the only sure cure was rebuild...this from a reliable transmission shop that's been in business for forty years. $1200. Symptoms were no upshift and freewheeled when off the gas until engine warmed up, then would be okay. I elected to try a flush and additive before getting serious.

The good news is they flushed it and included an additive (I don't remember what) with the new fluid and it got through the winter and this past summer working fine. I'm holding my breath until we see what the winter brings. My daughter has the car at school, and she says it's not right, but every time she brings it home it still works great for me. (?)

Incidentally she called last night and said the battery was dead and I need to come fix it. Uh-huh. Told her if she couldn't find someone among thirty or forty thousand students to jump start it, there's excellent bus service in West Lafayette.

Oh, by the way, I replaced the modulator at the same time because of coarse shifts, and that combined with T.V. cable adjustment had the shifts working as advertised. T.V. cable adjustment was by trial and error; didn't downshift properly when adjusted in accordance with the Service Manual.

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Guest CL_Reatta

Well, thanks for everything guys. I don't seem to have a leak anywhere, so I'm going to have to start thinking the worst. I might drop the car off by the auto shop my friend works for and see if they can get a diagnosis on what's wrong exactly and what can be done. I hope that if it is the same problem that you have Dave, that "death can be postponed" by the same method as you since I don't exactly have $1200 laying under my bed <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> , plus, if I am able to save up enough money I only need my trans to stay alive until summer, that's when I hope to carryout "project X" <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> (not a new tranny idea, those ideas belong to other people here)

That little story about your daughter did raise my spirits while writing this, very amusing <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> , did the battery ever get fixed?

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Guest F14CRAZY

That's correct son. 4T60-E is controlled by the ECM, a '91 only thing.

It may be possible that a '91 ECM could be used, along with a '91 engine/tranny wiring harness to retrofit a 4T60-E into a '90. There aren't any obvious dash problems, though there still could be.

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