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Transporting advice


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Hi all? I am finally getting set to transport a ?55 Thunderbird from Maryland to Alabama. I have to also do some moving with a U-Haul truck and plan on using an open trailer to haul the car. I am planning on covering the car with a cloth cover during the transport. Do y?all have any advice on protecting the car from damage?


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Do not cover it.

Car covers are for storing a car not transportation.

I have seen lots of damage when people tow a covered car on an open trailer.

What is the cover going to protect?

Cars were designed to weather anything that it should get during the move.

If you are that worried about the car, use an enclosed trailer.

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One of the biggest reasons to not cover a car on a open trailer is that the cover itself can, and most likely will, do damage to the exterior by chafing on it as you go down the road. There just isn't any way to stop that, so it is better to just strap it down and go down the road.

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3Athlete...Welcome to the Forum.

I echo the previous respondents.

Made a huge mistake in 2000 using an open trailer. Placed soft blankets over the car, then, affixed a custom tarp (same material as 18-wheeler covered wagons). The constant air movement made the soft blanket fibres put very slight scratches "all over". They were easy to polish out, but, leave it uncovered then wash it.

As West points out, even in an enclosed trailer, the constant vibration will gyrate the cover and may do damage.


Peter J... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

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Wow, thanks for all of your help!!!

I will defiantly not cover it.

I have been looking into companies to move it in an enclosed trailer, but due to the logistics of me in Alabama and having to travel to Maryland on my time frame may be a problem. I am leaning toward the open trailer and a prayer?


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I moved my 26 Chevy Roadster on an open tralier from Denver, Co. to Baton Rouge, La. I had absolutely no problems. I stopped often to check the tie down straps. One in particular kept coming loose but other than that everything was fine. I probably had more tie down straps on it then it needed but the one thing I diddn't want to see was nothing in my rear view mirror.

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To add to what I have already said. First I have had open and enclosed trailers.

and let me say this, if I tow a car that can take the wind speed, 1930 or later I will haul on a open trailer.

First it is more fun, People talk to you, stopped and on the CB, they give you thumbs up.

Second People let you pull out in front of them to see what you have on the trailer. With and enclosed trailer you can rot before someone lets you pull out in front of them.

Third the trailer is a lot lighter.

Fourth Better visibility.

Fifth. you can see what is happening with the car. (another story)

Only real disavantages is you have to clean the car at the location. Possible damage. Many old cars top can not take speeds over 45-50 mph. (another story)

One story I will relate, one year (late 80's)I was trailering to the Illinois Secretary of State Car Show in Springfield about 10 miles out on the interstate I came up behind a late 30's GM sedan on an open trailer with a car cover on it.

The cover was big, not tight and all the slack had moved to the back and the covers was flapping and whipping something fierce.. I contacted the guy on the CB and told him I thought it was doing damage and it was not a good Idea to tow with the cover on. He replied with "I tow this car all the time this way, it never does any damage."

It the show I seen the car the cover had broken off the pedestal taillight and trashed the whole back of the car. The light, held on by the wires took the paint off a large circle where it swung. I just walked on figure it was better not to mention that I told him so.

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