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Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc.

Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

Terry,<P>I have only had White Castles once, when I was in basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. I don't remember much about them, except that they were a lot like Krystal hamburgers here in the south. I realize I am soliciting opinions, but can someone familiar with both give us a comparison?

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Ted ~ I am going to restrict the number of autographed hats in order that they will retain their value as rare and desirable collectables. Yeah, right! wink.gif" border="0smile.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0 How many do you need? rolleyes.gif" border="0rolleyes.gif" border="0 <P>Hal ~ To throw in another candidate, does anybody remember Little Tavern hamburgers from the Baltimore area back in the '40s & 50s? Maybe '60s too. They were 10 cents apiece and their motto was "Buy "em By The Bag." cool.gif" border="0 ~ hvs

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hvs -<BR>Further investigation shows that a few Little Tavern Shops still exist in Bal'mer and burbs plus the eastern shore, but not Bethesda.<P>Dan -<BR>Guarantee that your RM oysters & beer combo has more food value than what I suggested. wink.gif" border="0

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Hi all, White Castle has a few locations on Long Island. Their burgers are very small, thin and about 2 inches square. They have 5 holes in them, 4 in a square pattern and the 5th in the center. It is best to eat them w/onions (diced small) and you need to eat several to equal a regular burger. I like them. wink.gif" border="0

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Ted ~ I really liked those Little Tavern burgers. I used to eat 3 with a bottle of coke, and after buying a comic book I would still have 5 cents left over from 2 quarters earned shoveling snow. grin.gif" border="0 2 quarters = 2 walks. Eat one less burger and there was enough left for a Saturday movie. <P>Rememberences of a really old phart.<BR> rolleyes.gif" border="0 Oh yes, the movie was free if one of us went in first and slipped the inside latch on the exit doors.<P>I remember my mother used to call them death burgers. She was probably ahead of her time. smile.gif" border="0 ~ hvs

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Here's a recipe for the best turkey stuffing ever:<P>1. Go to White Castle and order about 20 hamburgers (we call 'em sliders where we're from) and chop 'em up.<P>2. Stuff the turkey full of 'em and cook until the little doohickey pops up!! <BR> grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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hvs -<BR>I believe the last Little Tavern shack was on Wisconsin Ave. in Bethesda up to a couple of years ago. Lately, I haven't paid attention to that location when I zoom by, but next time I will look. Only had them once (forget the bag idea on these belly bombs). I guess if one is going to eat non-healthy food Mickey D's stuff is more tasty. Although think about a grand meal for two while on tour in the antique car - twelve Tavern mini burgers (with onions, of course) and a dozen KKs from Giant supermarkets, washed down with a two litre bottle of Mountain Dew. shocked.gif" border="0 <P>When shall I look for your autographed KK hats on e-bay? wink.gif" border="0

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We know that, and the point is???????????<P>I know that Howard has been unfaithful to his KKs. shocked.gif" border="0shocked.gif" border="0shocked.gif" border="0 I caught him!! grin.gif" border="0<P><I>This was from the Founders Tour in NY State back in July & Aug.</I><BR> DCP_0382a.jpg <P>A very special award was presented to Howard Scotland.<BR>Doughnut was made by Doughnuts Delight - Owners: Bob & Judy Malley (Bob has the mic in his hand)<P>That doughnut fed <B>10</B> people shocked.gif" border="0 seated at Howard's table that evening<p>[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: novaman ]

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Howard say it ain't so! You cheated on the beloved KK?<P>I myself went to KK this morning to pick up a dozen donuts for breakfast. Sadly there will be no fresh donuts for Christmas at our local KK. Bearing this in mind I picked up 2 dozen, to cover the shortage come Christmas morn. Seems family is more important than donuts, what has happened to all of our values? Imagine that, family coming first...<P>I hope the remainder of the year is a joyous time... and that the rather annoying KK values be remembered by all...<P>Seasonally appropriate greetings!<P>Rich<BR><A HREF=http://www.1930Chrysler77.com>http://www.1930Chrysler77.com</A><BR>Member AACA, WPCC<P>PS: Howard, have you repented yet?

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The new KK store in West Allis, WI is so busy that they have policemen directing traffic around it. My stepdaughter thought she'd pick up a few on Sunday -- she thought her two small sons might like to try them -- and it took her over half an hour to get a dozen. It would have taken longer if she hadn't settled for a pre-boxed dozen. I guess I'm not going there anytime soon!<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region

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FUDD -<BR>Welcome to the DF. I notice from your e-mail address that yo no elmer. Drat! wink.gif" border="0<P>And just what did you mean about your wife picking up KKs after Weight Watchers? Go figure? All figure? No figure? Or she just likes KKs, but wants to keep her figure. tongue.gif" border="0

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Guest rcirilli

While making a purchase at our local KK the counter people swore on a box that they don't add one calorie. That's good enough for me!

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unregistered - So???<P>HVS - I think I got this figured out. 4 "of us" + 3 doz. KK /up = 2 for you and 4 for each of the others. <P><BR>That is 2 doz for you, and 4 doughnuts a piece for the rest. grin.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0tongue.gif" border="0<P>Couldn't do math last night blush.gif" border="0<p>[ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: novaman ]

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HVS let me know when your load of KK's get in! What is the deal with the Buzzards Breath group? I didn't find anything online.When will the tour be and location? Never heard of Severance,Co-it must be a wide spot in the road. We might be able to join the tour depending on date. rolleyes.gif" border="0rolleyes.gif" border="0

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BV ~ The Buzzard's Breath tour was last August 27-29th. Severence IS a wide spot in the road, east of Fort Collins.<P>It isn't Severence that is the attraction, its Bruce's Bar and the rocky mountain oysters. cool.gif" border="0 <P>KK run to Denver scheduled for Thursday the 17th. as part of a trip to Bert's Model A Ford Center. ~ hvs

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Unregistered User, Outside of an obvious interest and enthusiasm in the hobby and history of vehicles, most of us has a life and a sense of humor. Some of the threads on this DF tend to focus on friendships and interests that have resulted from participation in the AACA and the hobby. We do get away from the central theme of the DF on occasion. In this case it must be obvious from the length of the thread that there is a lot of interest. If you prefer not to read it, fine. Father Ron

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HVS<BR>Thanks for info; sounds like I missed a good time.<BR>I plan to be in Denver Tuesday and will warm KK you are coming. Watch out for the donuts!<BR>I'll be at Berts also. Steve is a good guy to deal with have known him since before his dad died.<BR>What body style A do you have? I'm working on a 31 roadster. rolleyes.gif" border="0

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BV ~ '30 Standard Coupe. It is actually my wife's car and she restored it about 20 years ago. It was on the Buzzy Tour, loaned to John Myer from Alabama so that he could participate on the tour. Yes, you missed a good one.<P><BR>To Unregistered PIA ~ Perhaps if this forum deleted worthless posts, yours would be among the first to go. Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.<P>Of course, if you are an AACA member you have every right to criticize. If you are not, then you are a guest. If that is the case, shut up.<P>hvs

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