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Will let the forum comment on this Ebay item


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Actually it is a fair deal if a person gets it for the starting price. The wheel is junk. I sent 43 wheels to the scrap yard last year that were better than that one but at todays price for aluminum $ 15 is exactly what the wheel is worth for it's weight. He is only charging $ 10 for shipping so now you have $ 25 invested. The wheel is worth $ 15 scrap so you are getting a center cap for $ 10. If a person is missing a center cap on a "driver" that is a pretty cheap cap and you could probably live with the cracked center. I have centers, and there are always centers available on Ebay, if a person wanted to replace the center. Thats my 2 cents worth.

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Guest HessLakeGuy

Well, I got outbid on it. I bid the minimum. I drive right past the place all the time, so shipping would be a moot point. I really wanted the cap more than anything.

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I shipped for 16x7 aluminum wheels from PA to CT to have them straightened and refinished. UPS charged me about $22 total for all 4 wheels. There were 4 individual boxes. That seemed to me to be a bargain. That was in 2002 - perhaps prices are more now with the higher fuel costs, but I'll bet they are still within striking distance.

At least his $10 shipping is not $25 shipping - seems everyone is selling their stuff on ebay for low prices and making it back on grossly inflated shipping (to circumvent ebay fees?)

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In some cases (my opinion), shipping is under total investment. I've sold computer monitors on ebay and called myself being fair and reasonable, charging about $25 to ship, only to find out that by the time you've paid to box, properly and securely package and protect, then ship the item, you've shelled $50-65 in materials and related costs. That's not to mention gas to and from the shipping center (or fees if they pick up). For a monitor weighing in at over 50lbs, you can really suffer!

However, it is about what you are buying! I'm the first one to pass up an auction because shipping costs are too high. I've seen "How to" repair CD's on ebay costing $5 with $4 shipping per CD? Huh? It's shipped in a $.80 prepayed envelope and if you want to get really creative, a $1.80 Priority Mailer can hold 20CD's and never exceed the 1lb weight limit. Let's not mention those charging S&H on "downloaded" info on ebay!

When bidding, always add your total cost w/shipping and see if you can get it cheaper locally or somewhere else. I do. Also, I'm less worried about those who don't allow local pickups than those who refuse Paypal. Most of those people are more worried about getting funds snatched from their accounts for fraud than they are about PayPal fees.

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Guest MauiWowee

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Most of those people are more worried about getting funds snatched from their accounts for fraud than they are about PayPal fees.


Baloney! Most of us who dabble in eBay, as well as some full-time power sellers, refuse to pay the high fees for Paypal. Fraudulent transactions on eBay are rare, and it is just as much caveat emptor as any other market.

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Oh, I agree with you to some degree. Some people just hate to deal with Paypal's fees, but take my word for it, prob 75% of them don't like Paypal's practice of snatching $$$ out of your account and placing in escrow if there is a dispute. Honest people generally don't care, 'cause they'll never (in their minds) misrepresent a product or try to jip anyone in the first place.

Oh, and as for the "Power Sellers" who don't accept Paypal? In my opinion, that's baloney! There's way too many that will tell you flat out that to use Paypal will cost you a few $$ more. At least they give you the option. Those wanting your credit card #, for you to send them a money order or check in the mail (which they have to be able to cash and get the funds BEFORE they'll ship you anything), or those wanting you to register with some obscure cash-cow no one has ever heard of but them, in my book, are DEFINITELY up to something not on the "up and up"!

I'll agree with you on one point, though. Buyer Beware, and READ EVERYTHING the ad says, no matter how obscure. If you don't understand or have questions, ask the seller. If no answer before you must bid, or the answer's not clear or they're rude, DON'T BID!! There's way too much competition on Ebay to deal with someone you can't divy up a little trust in! laugh.gif

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