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Tell Me Again.....(RE: BCA Judging Manual)

Guest 70 Electra

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Guest 70 Electra

I think this has been discussed before, but tell me again why the latest BCA judging manual can't be posted on the BCA website? (like AACA does)

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Guest my3buicks

Greg, Probably the best thing to do is call the office directly and pose your question - I don't believe it is their decision to make, but they probably can get the ball in motion to accomplish that. I would think that the board would need to make that decision.

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Guest my3buicks

I talked with the office on the issue, Rick does need to get the ball moving on it, working on getting a "workable" copy of it first. Once Rick moves on it, then it will have to go to the board their OK. I think all this can be done in a reasonable time frame as long as the "contracted" typest or whatever you want to call her get's a workable disk in their hands.

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Guest 70 Electra

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Contact the author of the manual, Rick Schick. I'm sure he could offer an explanation.

He is the National Chief Judge.

His e mail address is : buickman@wideopenwest.com

Scott Mich

BCA # 6619 </div></div>


I emailed Rick several weeks ago, but have not yet received a response. From past experience, I know he gets many inquiries and is not always able to respond promptly.

I agree with John Chapman, as it seems existing document can simply be PDF'd (like AACA manual). Should be NO extra work other than intial scan and upload....a small investment compared to the benefit to members.

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Guest 70 Electra

I tried Rick Schick again, but got a message that his email box exceeded its quota. Is the above listed email still valid for Rick?

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Hey Greg,

I talked to my board rep (Dick Sweeney) and he brought this up before the board at their meeting today. He reported that the BCA office already has the judging manual in Adobe PDF format (suitable for online publication) and that the board decided to contact Rick about posting this online as Rick was not at the meeting.

I think you should send a note to the BCA president about the BCA being a little more responsive to requests regarding the "on-line" community. :-)

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Guest 70 Electra

Great idea, John! I have sent the prez an email, and would encourage anyone else that is interested in an online Judging Manual to do the same thing.

If it exists in PDF format already, it would be a no-brainer to post it to the BCA website.

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I would like to report to you all that I put the EJM ,Electronic Judging Manual, on the Board Meeting Agenda in response to YOUR call to have this added to the web site. In general everyone thought it was a good idea but I think some wanted to extend the courtesy to Rick to allow his input. I see NO reason why this cant be added to the website. I did try to contact Rick a week or so prior to the Meeting on this matter but was unable to do so as well. We are a little concerned about his well being and following up in that regard. He was not required to attend this meeting and may just be on vacation somewhere. I understand he Will be at the Feb. meeting in Florida and the matter will be brought up again.

I can assure you that letters/emails /telephone calls are taken serious by the Board Members so let them know how you feel about this matter and anything else that you may be concerned about . This is YOUR CLUB - let your thoughts be known. Dick Sweeney

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Guest my3buicks

Dick, if Rick cannot be contacted then the board needs to act on this issue now not in 4 months. While it would be nice to have his input, this really isn't an issue that concerns judging really, but simply making the judges rules more available.

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Guest my3buicks

It is my understanding that Chief Judge Rick Schick is back online. I have sent an email asking Rick to contact the board with his input on this topic ASAP

so the board can handle this rather simple issue prior to the next board meeting in February. Hopefully this issue can be resolved sooner rather than later.

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Guest 70 Electra

I was just looking through the meeting minutes of the July 7 2005 BCA Board Meeting, as posted on the BCA website. It appears clear that Rick has already provided his support(see direct quote below). Based on this information, why would we delay any further, or pester Rick again about the issue??

"CHIEF JUDGE REPORT. Rick Schick stated that there will be no mass mailing of the new judging manual, due to costs, but all judging volunteers at this meet will be given a copy; others will pay $7. <span style="font-weight: bold"> [color:\\"red\\"] He suggested that the manual be placed on the BCA website using PDF format. All agreed that this should be done .</span> "

BTW, repeated emails to BCA Pres. Paul Meyer have been returned with error message. Anyone else able to (recently) send emails to Paul?

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I brought this issue back to the Board at 0841 yesterday ( 11-11 ) with the reminder listed above (Ricks opinion). Our President, Paul Meyer,is out of town for the weekend and perhaps whan he returns I will get a response. I would say let this rest and I will be back to you all once it is settled. Thanks for your patience. Dick Sweeney BOD

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