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Y-Job Clone on e-Bay

Guest imported_MrEarl

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Heres an interesting custom "job" currently on eBay. Do ya reckon the "Shah" might have unsuccesfully tried to persuade Mr Earl to sell him his Y-Job before proceeding with this custom job. I bet if he did ol' Harley probably told him "Sure, and I'll have it delivered to you too, right up your a _ _.


Custom 48 Roadster on eBay

link to more Shah Buick phots


Actually I'd love to have this car. I've always liked this year convertible because of it's resemblance to the Y-Job.

(Sorry about the big wide photos. I have a problem with PhotoBucket.com not resizing correctly sometimes.)

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This isn't a Y-job clone, and isn't represented as one.

Why the hostility toward this seller? Personally, I resent the attitude towards a seller.

Are you one of these guys who writes flaming letters to the Bugle editor because he dared to run a photo of an old Buick with the wrong hub caps or steering wheel?

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Guest imported_MrEarl

confused.gif What lines are you reading in between. In other words where the hell are you coming from with your reply. I was being facetious (sp) re the "Y-Job Clone" and I was merely poking fun at the Shah of Iran. If you got a problem with that then too bad!! I in no way displayed hostility or disrespect toward the seller.I'm displaying more hostility right now toward you for this ludicrous reply than I've ever displayed on this board. As I said I'd love to have this car. It probably comes closest of any 40's Buicks to replicating the Y-Job (which in my mind is the greatest Buick ever produced) than any other Buick of that era. (and then of course there's the Black Hawk )

And what is this about flaming the Buick Bugle.I have every copy of the Buick Bugle since 1969 and I greatly appreciate the current Bugle staff and have never "flamed them". I'm not in the mood for this today and probably won't be for the next few weeks, so if you're just looking for a fight how about taking it somewhere else!! Either that or stop reading between the lines, lighten up, get a sense of humor or something.

Did anyone else read my post as displaying hostility toward the seller. If so then let me know and I'll be the first to apolgize here.

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Guest sixpack2639

Lamar, I have only been posting here a short time but have gotten (I think) a pretty good feel for your sense of humor and I "got the joke". Maybe Reatta Man was just having a bad day and read more into your post than was there. Carl

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Jeez Carl, I just re read MY last post and couldn't believe I myself had reacted as I did. I should have just explained that I meant no disrespect to the seller and was joking about the Shah. Let me go ahead and offer my apology to ReattaMan.

Now with that cleared up hopefully... I'd like to hear some opinions of the value of this car. IMHO it is an incredible car as it appears and if it is indeed what it is said to be should be worth quite a bit. The Shah has always been known to collect some exquisite automobiles. I find it interesting that the Shah chose a Special as the core for his customizing.I am not real familiar with this year so would like to hear some input as to what was apparently customized on it.

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Guest sixpack2639

Lamar, I for one am quite surprised that they have chosen Ebay for a selling venue rather than Barrett/Jackson or one of the other major collector car auctions where they would (going by previously sold "historical" cars due to their famous owners) almost assuridly get an unreal dollar amount bid probably in the low 6 figure range. As for a price, I would say because of its custom styleing and the fact that it is the only one built, it should bring about $50,000. Realistically though it probably won't go much over $30,000 IMHO. Carl

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I kept thinking "OK, but what about the documentation?" I have seen so many "...was supposedly owned by's..." that I need documentation. Otherwise, it is just a well executed custom. I mean, you would think if the Shah bought the factory, then levelled it, there would have been some press on that issue. It would have gone over to Iran then back to the states.

Bryan Moran

BCA 28571

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Guest my3buicks

My guess is he only saw the top half of your post and not the bottom half after your pics - not that the top half was bad.

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The use of the Buick tri-shield emblem in the center of the front bumper guard and the wire wheels further suggests a more modern conversion. I'm thinking that the Shah was deposed in about 1979, but do not remember whether he was exiled in the United States or elsewhere. If, in fact, the Buick was custom-built for him, I suspect the work was done following the Shah's fall from power.

As to why the Special series car was selected for the conversion, it's hard to say. Certainly, if anyone were intent on cloning the Y-Job, a Special series car would be the more logical choice. During the early post-war period, only the Special's front fender line terminated in the door, as does the Y-Job's fender line. (The Super and Roadmaster cars were unique among all the GM cars in extending the front fender line all the way to the rear fender.) This aspect of the Special's styling would also make it less difficult stylistically to shorten the vehicle's wheelbase. In this case, it appears to me that the wheelbase has indeed been shortened.

If I'm not mistaken, there were no convertibles offered in the Special series during the '46 - '48 era. (I may be wrong, but do not recall having seen any.) So, chopping the existing top of the vehicle and eliminating the upper door frames would have been a significant part of the customizing process.

It is odd that the Ebay auction makes no mention of the Shah connection, unless I missed that. I agree that it would be interesting to learn whether there is any paper trail or other documentation to prove the Shah's former ownership of the vehicle.

I can't say that I agree with the statements that this is the most exciting vehicle to be offered since the sale of the GM Motorama vehicle (Olds F-88 dream car) at last winter's Barrett-Jackson auction! I like the overall concept of this Buick, but some aspects of the execution and overall proportions fall short.

By the way, Mr. Earl, I understood the spirit of your original post, and found nothing objectionable about it. Thanks for sharing the links to this interesting vehicle.

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pretty weird car. 41 butt end with a wider trunk lid, 42-48 nose, special fenders. the dash and high cowl is sure ugly though. that would have to be modified if i had that hack. good start, mediocre finish. then there's the fabric top cover thingy. should have been metal and blended into the bodywork, but hell, it was for the shah, and what did he know?

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