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Paint Schemes, engines etc-how incorrect can they be

Guest imported_MrEarl

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Thought I'd pull out the proverbial stick and stir things up a little.

I would check the judges manual and hopefully find some answers to this there but since I am at work and it's just not in our Departmental Library I'll throw it out for discussion.

How incorrect can a paint scheme be before it is disqualified from a class. Or does it just cost in points. Playing around with color schemes is done quite often with the 50's Buicks. I can understand why people like the different color schemes than what may be correct for their year but is it acceptable in the judging.

Same thing with engines. Would say, a 322 be allowed in a 54/55 Special.

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Guest my3buicks

Boy, you do like to cause trouble - if your "wild" 2 or 3 toning are not of a style that came from the factory you would be hit point wise during judging and if the colors are let's say "Candy Apple Purple" instead of appropriate Buick colors, you would probably be asked to move to modified. I believe the incorrect colors or paint style would be a mandatory deduction, thus no matter if the car was flawless, it would not be able to senior.

Engine changes would constitute a modified car - a change like you suggest may be overlooked at an AACA meet(as the judges are not up on every car they judge) but they would nail you at a BCA meet, the judges that judge at a BCA National in a particular class are "usually" very knowledgable and know the classes they are judging like the back of their hand.

Anyone can do with their car what they want, they just have to be willing to pay the piper.

See you in Batavia!!!

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Where can I get my hands on this judge's manual that you mentioned? I'm fairly new to Buicks, and this is the first I've heard that such a manual exists. Aside from my '51 Super, my other car is a Model "A" Ford, and I've had the benefit of a very detailed Judging Standards manual that sure helps when you need to make a restoration decision.



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I know I will be changing the color on my 69 Electra because I really don't like the original olive green. Then again, I plan for the car to be a driver, not to be judged. However that being said I look at some cars and wonder why anyone would repaint in the original color or scheme as I find some to be very unattractive. I think we are lucky to have an established rule that you can paint a car any color you want as long as it was a proper color for the year. Yet for a car to garner the most prestigious awards I think the color should be original and the scheme correct in order to meet the mantra " as close as possible to how it came from the factory".

Now as for the engine, I think it should be the right engine for the car. I guess I can't buy into the whole modification thing to make cars so powerful, unless the car is intended to be raced. For street purposes I haven't met a car yet that couldn't do the speed limit and that even includes a 57 VW bug. Just how fast can you go on the streets anyway?


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