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No title for scrapped car? Any ideas


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I purchased a parts car from a wrecking yard, I've gotten my parts off and other parts which may be usable. Now I find the scrappers would take the frame and remaining body. Any ideas on what to do with whats left? Anyone want a frame? Come and get it! Portland, Oregon confused.gif" border="0confused.gif" border="0

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Selling it back to the same salvage yard might be the best option. Naturally, they'll probably pay you less than you paid them (and hopefully come and get it). Even if they came and got it and paid you $1.00, you're still ahead in the game as you now have parts and will not worry about a municipality being on your case for a junk vehicle being around.<P>Even if it was the same salvage yard, they might want to see the purchase documents they gave you initially as proof that the "remains" do belong to you, so you might make some copies just in case. Then, they can also give you a receipt for the merchandise to keep their books straight too.<P>Just some thoughts . . .<BR>NTX5467

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I had the same problem once with a '72 Road Runner. A very nice man with a pick up truck and a big torch came and spent the day cutting it into pick-up bed sized pieces, and then took it away.<BR>Call a couple of body shops and ask them when their scrap guy comes around. There are a lot of guys who collect the junk fenders, etc. from body shops, and they'll be happy to come get your car-cass.<BR>-Brad

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If anyone is interested, it was a 1959 Buick LeSabre 4dr Sedan... Great Frame! Free for the taking. The wrecking yard I got it from is over 200 miles away.

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