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Buick Lucerne Poster

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When I got home from work yesterday, I was pleasently surprised by a mailing tube in with all my bills in the mail box. When I opened the tube there was a really cool poster with the new Buick Lucerne and Tiger Woods. It was accompanied by a very nice letter from the marketing manager thanking me for visiting their Lucerne web site. The letter described the poster as a limited edition collector poster. It also said they will keep me posted with the lastest information on the Lucerne as it developes. The car looks pretty nice on the poster - they are showing it in black. I love the look of a black car but boy are they a pain to keep clean (I have 2 black cars). The poster sure was a pleasent surprise - I forgot that when I visited the site I must have signed in and gave my address. That is what happens after you turn 50 years old! crazy.gif

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Guest sintid58

I got mine Wednesday and just saw it for a minute as my 19 year old daughter showed it to me and then she rolled it up and told me she was taking it to college to hang on her dorm room door. I told her fine as long as she put it on the outside, where everyone could see it. She has the same Buick blood as her dad. She took pictures of our GSX to college and put them up, all the Chevyhaulics can't figure out what it is. This will confuse them even more.

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