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E.J. Pennington

Nigel Mills

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I'm researching the subject of E. J. Pennington's creations. I would welcome information on any Pennington cars or bikes or parts that survive (I know the 3 wheeler at Beaulieu). Also any unusual references or information relating to him and also to his Anglo American Rapid Vehicle Co. Thank you

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  • 7 years later...

Hi was just looking thru and old 70's book called motoring by L.T.C. Rolt and there was drawing of E.J. jumping a chasm aka Evil Kneival with his machine. ,,,,sure,,,,,,,, anywho I was wondering if anyone researched this sharpie and I found a number of pages about him in a book called " Wisconsin Cars & Trucks a centenary "ISBN: 0-9664804-0-6 Seems he was in S.E. Wisconsin bilking monies outta the poor fellers down there.

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Around 1971 or 72 Ballantine Publishing (you have probably seen their WW2 books) put out a book on the DeDion Bouton company. In it they mentioned Pennington as owning the British rights to DeDion products in the 1890s along with the rights to several other cars. The gist was he was a mountebank and a stock promoter who knew nothing about cars and was only interested in a fast buck.

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