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Club project ???


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I was given an idea earlier from a question posted by another member. A fair amount of the questions asked in the technical portion of this web site have to do with the issue of parts identification; I would like to propose that a great addition to this site, would be the ability to access old parts catalouges and cross reference info.

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Harry...excellent thought and well taken.

Just my opinion. The website's Tech Questions area is presented to tap the years of knowledge and experiences from Forum Participants. To boot, that is why guest marque clubs are partners here to add a well rounded availability of resouces with a somewhat "personal touch".

Takes bodies and "cost" to man what you suggest. There are many sites existing within cyberspace to answer parts availability. (Hemmings, e-bay, and, countless vendors.) The "Buy/Sell" section is made available on this Forum.

This is what we have to offer...

Again, my observation...

Peter J.

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Nice of you to make this offer, Harry.

I will post in the Moderator's Forum to bring this to the attention of the Internet Committee, of whom, have the decision making powers. Please be patient.

Thank you,

Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Its a great idea and I appreciate your offer of assistance - the project really would be more at home if it were associated with the AACA Library & Research Center. There is currently a project in its infancy to have some of the literature accessible via the internet and perhaps what you propose could be handled that way. I would recommend you contact Kim Miller, our AACA Librarian to discuss the possibilities with her. She can tell you where the idea currently stands and how it will unfold.


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