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Waiting for Jeanne

Idle Swede

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Leo ~ Come to Wyoming. It will make you homesick. Like Sweden, summer usually comes on a Thursday. smirk.gifgrin.gif Not really that bad, but we do have a L O N G winter. frown.gif


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Yeah snow still s$%ks, but on the same token how often have you seen the snow totally destroy your house and blow everything you've ever worked for out across the neighbors lawn? I hate the snow as well, but I think if I lived through 4-5 hurricanes, lost power, and had my prized possessions trashed, I might think twice about Florida. Not a complaint against Florida because I always enjoy going down there as well, but you have to admit that the native Floridians have been through an awfull lot. If I had been through just what a lot of them have seen just this season, I'd be questioning as to how much more I'd want to deal with.

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