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Woodward Dream Cruise *DELETED* *DELETED*

Guest imported_CarFreak

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We went to Cranbrook last month, stayed on Woodward just down from the show and you only had to step out of the front door of the hotel at just about any hour to see something interesting going up or down the boulevard. And that was a month before the official cruise!

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Guest Dave Mills

I have just returned home from my first Dream Cruise. To anyone who has never attended and consider yourself a "cruiser" from years gone by, this is a "must". I was there from Thursday until Sunday and it is a very impressive site. This has got to be the Grand-Daddy of all cruises.

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Guest Dave Mills

I attended the Dream Cruise for the first time last year. It certainly is an experience. Chrysler supplied us with parking for our cars so I thought it was better to watch than to spend hours creeping down Woodward Avenue.

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I think that the reason there are so many modern cars going down Woodward Avenue during the "Dream Cruise," is because most of the cars worth seeing are PARKED on the side of the road. The best way to see them all is to hop in the family van.

That's my theory... it's mine... I thought it up myself... and it's mine... and that's what I think.

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Guest imported_CarFreak

Yes it is partly true but not totally. I have attended each Dream Cruise and I drive reliable and dependable vintage vehicles. I have not yet had any problems with my cars or trucks driving in the cruise. Some people choose to stay on the sidelines but I enjoy cruising and take full benefit of the several days to do so - not just the Saturday. There are numerous car shows, parade, and special events in just about each of the towns. If you attend you will surely find something that you will enjoy. There is nothing else like it anywhere. If you can't run with the big dogs on Saturday then you can show up a few days earlier each evening it is a mini cruise up and down Woodward - heck they have been cruising all summer. Come out and you will have fun.

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