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Temperature questions


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I have always been amazed at how cool the engine stays in the Reatta. Untill yesterday I have only had it over 200 degrees once, that I know of because I usually don't have the gages displayed while driving, and that was climbing the Laural Mts. in SW PA. However yesterday the engine got warm, up past 200 while climbing a small hill. Then once I got home I let it run wile in park and it got up to 210. Now I know the avergae temp. in a lot of other V6's is 210, however at 210 in the Reatta it's getting in the "high" range according to the electronic gage. No warning light came on and it was an 80 degree day, and I did have the AC on untill it started to climb to about 195. I will mention once I got on level road it dropped back down untill I got home.

Just curious and I am prob. worring over nothing. I will mention to my cat. is starting to go. Although I haven't felt any real restriction, if there is an inner piece lose, which I'm pretty sure there is considering the noise, could that hve anything to do with engine temp.?

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that makes me worry, i dont think my temp has ever surpassed 190. id say that generally im at about 180 after a half hour or driving highway speeds (70-100) and it dosnt climb much more than that, could this low temperature be one of the reasons im getting such bad gas milage? can/does it mean major problems are on the way?

thanks in advance

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rat, Sounds like you have a 180 degree thermostat, thats good.

Your gas mileage problems I would guess to be your right foot, or you might want to check your o2 sensor along with plugs, filters and so on...

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To the computer there is no real difference between 180F and 200F. My 3800 has a 180F thermostat and the fans reprogrammed to stay between 180F and 190F (179F-181F over 50 mph) and I run 26-28 mpg (instantaneous) on the highway even with my driving and average 20 mpg around town. All of my 3800s are about the same except for the TranSport Van which gets a touch less at 70.

Keep in mind that a 3300 lb vehicle with a 3.8 liter engine & automatic is not going to win any fuel economy runs but is a trade I make to have "adequate" power and comfort. In addition there have been considerable improvements made in both power output and efficiency in the last decade, the 88-90 "C" engine is an ealier generation.

I do find that belts, hoses, batteries, etc. seem to last longer with the cooler underhood temperatures and the a/c has an easier time of it.

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Guest wally888

I've had 6 Reattas, 89,90,91's. All of their temps climbed to about 207* after an interstate run, OAT 90+, after exiting interstate and driving under 50 mph. In a short time temps returned to 180/195 depending on thermostat 180 or 195.

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