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Ford Door Spring Installation

Jim Bollman

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I bought a 66 Ranchero that the fellow fell out of love with when it was almost finished. I now have lots of little things to do to it and discover what was left on finished.

So todays problem is reinstalling the little door spring that keeps the door from swing to far open or closed. It is a fairly tight working space. Any great tips or tricks to compressing the spring and getting it in place?


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Thanks for the tips. I tried the three wire approach and got closer than the 2 wire approach I had tried earlier but still couldn't get it in.

Started looking for the specialty tool but haven't located one yet. I may just stop at a body shop and see if they have one and will pop the spring in for me for a small fee.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I found a picture of the tool on the web last night and made my own version out of some scraps today and got the spring back in. Knowing a tool existed made it all work.



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