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1989 Reatta Service Manual - Download Here !!!


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  • 3 months later...

Hi guys,

I downloaded parts of the manual last night, (still have some to go, though), but my Acrobat Reader version 3.01, I think gave this error as well as refused to open the downloaded documents saying something like " this viewer cannot decrypt this document".

Does this mean I need the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this, or did something not download right?

Sorry if I sound stupid here, but I would just like to be able to view these service manual documents I downloaded.

Thanks for any help regarding this manner.

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The Adobe Acrobat Reader is currently up to Version 6. Since you're using version 3.01, I'd guess that any PDF's created with Adobe Acrobat 4, 5, and 6 might be incompatable minimally IN SOME AREAS or might not even open at all as new features and functionality are constantly being added to Adobe's document creation software.

Go here to download the latest version from Adobe free of charge.

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Well guys,

I've tried downloading Acrobat Reader version 6 TWICE so far, and the message I'm getting each time is something like "file is corrupted, try downloading later". It takes at least approximately around 2 hours to download via dial-up internet service, and this is getting frustrating.

Guess I'm just out of luck right now as far as being able to view the Reatta service manual on-line.

I hope everybody else here has better luck. frown.gif

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Sorry to hear that. I looked at the creation upload date for the service manuals and it's mid-2003. If you can find a CD with Acrobat Reader 5.0 on it, likely it'll solve the issue (although you might get some minor errors on opening the document). Maybe, just maybe, Acrobat reader 4.0 would work also but I can't verify it. In your CD collection of "stuff", you might have an application or game that prepackages the Acrobat Reader on the CD for reading online help manuals or install notes.

As an alternative, you might want to go to www.pdf995.com. It's a competitor of Adobe and they offer a free trial of their PDF reader and creator software. I haven't verified if their product deployment would be any smaller than Adobe making the download time shorter but, you could try it. One caveat though, every time you open a document, an Ad for their software pops up and you have to manually make it go away. Supposedly it's very compatable with Adobe and should open the documents.

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Thanks again, Reatta Fan,

I'll have to see where to go from here. As far as I know the only copy of Acrobat Reader I have available on CD is version 3.01 on a baseball game that my brother has. I don't think there's any of his other more current games that have any Adobe Acrobat Reader files on CD.

I'll have to check into the website you just mentioned, and see if it works.

One thing's for sure, either way, as far as Adobe's website goes, at a minimum I would be looking at least an hour for the basic version, at least 2 hours or so for the more advanced version. I've tried both ways on Adobe's website with the same "downloaded file corrupted, try again later" message.

We'll see how things go.

Thanks again.

If all else fails, I wonder if I could order the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader on a CD-ROM from them. I'll have to find out.

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Troubleshooting instructions for downloading the Acrobat Reader (and 5.1 works on everything) can be found here. I would suggest using an FTP connection.

The corrupt file issue is specifically discuseed here.

Finally any other activity on the PC during a download can cause problems. Just turn everything else off and start the download before you go to sleep. You do have "call waiting" turned off ?

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Adobe Acrobat 6.0 is designed to work with Win98 (2nd Ed), WinME, Win2K, WinNT,& WinXP. System requirements can be found on Adobe's web site here. I'm sure I'm not alone in asking that you please do at least some cursory research before you make a blanket statement like that in any future postings.

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Hi guys,

Well, right now I'm in the process of downloading the pdf 995 file Reatta Fan suggested, and we'll see how things go.

I've looked at the customer support division of Adobe's website. But I'm still unclear on why I'm having this problem. Padgett, to answer your question on call waiting, I don't believe we have the service, so I doubt that part's the problem.

I do have some sort of internet speed up program called Webcelerator that I usually turn on to help speed up the internet connection, though I don't really know how effective that is for sure.

Maybe I should turn it off before downloading.

But other things I download, I don't generally have any problems with, as far as the downloading process goes.

I don't know. If this doesn't work, I may just have to forget it for now, or later on just buy the official service manuals, assuming they are still available.

Thanks guys for the help.

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