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New Universal GRIP-KING Electronic Road Sander For Safe Driving


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Early 1950s going by the "Cadillac" styled car on the package. "Electronic" was just a high-zoot marketing term, since it sounded advanced and futuristic. "Hey look what happens when you mash this button!"


These things had a small hopper for sand or other abrasive mounted in the trunk, over the rear wheel wells. Usually had a tube of some sort aimed at the rear tires, with some type of device to allow the sand to dump on whatever slippery surface was in front of the rear tires. The idea was to improve traction enough to get the car moving. 


Worked well enough as long as your sand, cinders, whatever, stayed dry. If it got wet it would plug up, not work and, as wet dirt often does if it's not flushed out, cause rust.


GM had a gadget in late 60s that would spray a sticky goop on the rear tires. It was called liquid tire chain. I think we had some discussion on it a few months back.

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my dad had a 1960 Caddy Black 4 dr HT......very well loaded....even had factory fog lights ..and came new with sander units in the trunk and i am not sure if Canada factory option or dealer installed,probably the most remembered option and car in our family living in northern Canada and many 600 mile trips to the city from where we lived was seldom used  but we traveled several times a year to family in California especially xmas pulling camper trailer in winter through montana idaho utah etc......and i have clear memory of ice covered mountain passes in montana ......and i think between reno and san fransisco......where my dad used it only just when needed as it used up the sand very fast ....my dad only used dry bagged sand and also on long hours trip the trunk was warm enough to keep from freezing possibly from exhaust pipes and interior heat . .....and we wouldnt have made it without at least twice i remember.....we were also running on studded tires and i remember my dad somewhere near reno [but i could be wrong on location] or tahoe arguing with state trooper in chain up area ......the state trooper had never seen studded tires .....and my dad said he didnt need chains with the heavily steel studded tires.........my dad later got a new 67 Eldorado front wheel drive......and nothing stopped that car in winter driving.....i have seen two cars over the years with sander units but very rarely .....late 1950s and 1960s .......i think a 50s Packard and early 60s Imperial from memory

Edited by arcticbuicks (see edit history)
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I kind of thought Packard had the sanders and from the one i did see years ago..... although it was not an ambulance.......the Henny article proves it to be true.the ones i had seen and in my dads car did not look aftermarket.....as for the hoppers formed to shape of back side of wheel well etc

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