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old gas filter

Tom Barnatt

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Hello, I'm researching an old gas filter for a friend. It belonged to her late husband who was a mechanic and she just found it in a box of stuff. I'm cleaning it up for her to display and would love to be able to tell her how old it is. It's a Tillotson, Toledo, Ohio. I've looked at a lot of them on line but none have the bale like this one. The wire comes up from the side to the nut and bolt to tighten on the glass bowl but the bale is a continuous piece and makes a loop for the bolt to go through.  Thanks for the help, Tom



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Jack M, 

Thanks, I was wondering if the nut and bolt are a make do. What about the bale that's formed into the loop for the bolt to go through, is that original or also a bit of Yankee ingenuity? I couldn't find one picture on line of that feature.  Any idea on the age of this? Thanks, Tom

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