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1921 Touring rear fender grease access hole line up

Don Jr.

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Hi, working over rear fenders and hung them on the body. I see there is plenty of adjustment to shift the fenders back and forth . I set them so I have centered the front mounting holes to the running board brackets. Adjusted the fenders themselves to look proper at the rear. My problem is the access hole to the grease fitting is not centered up or down.  Is this the norm or do I have an issue. The left fender is complete with the extension ( what ever it is called) and has not been damaged. The right rear is not original to the car and the extension was missing. I located another extension and clamped it to the fender mirroring the left fender to check things out before I weld it on.  The right rear fender is just as bad. Thanks.

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Yes it had one. I saw the spot welds where the original was cut off on the right rear  fender. I marked them on a piece of cardboard then ground the stubs off. And they corresponded to the replacement extension. I placed the left rear fender right next to the right rear fender after I clamped the extension on it on the ground.  They mirrored each other. I guess I will ask this again. How do I determine if I have the correct back half of a 1921 Touring.? The one I have was purchased at an estate sale a few years ago for me at an auction and was told it was for 1921. What years fit 1921 Touring. The body I bought was a wreck and I cut off the back half for my car. Car originally came with a cut off back end (ala pickup truck). That back end was an early one with the brackets that bolted to the fender and the body. Had a railway express tag on it from out West. Everything looks to fit properly except the grease access holes are wonky.

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If it has the angle iron that mounted the rear fenders along the edge where the fender meets the body: ended around 1918 or 1919 when Dodge went to the wider bodies. My 1920 touring went the same way, being made into a pickup. The guy that started putting a different back half on did not know about the changes, so the current back half on it is the older style being both narrower and not as tall but the doors close. How about posting some photos of it, including the dash board. 

Edited by Mark Gregush (see edit history)
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Hi, Just spent time looking on line to get close ups of this area of  cars. I see that the grease fitting is dead nuts in the center of the extension. I gave away the rear half of the touring that had those brackets that attach the fenders to the body when it was purchased many years ago. The rear fenders I have were just piled in the car an they did not fit that early rear half. I have all the doors that were with it also. Possibly have the wrong fenders? The front half of the body is a 21 as I checked that out many years ago. All the running gear also checked out the same. i am going to try and hang rear doors on tomorrow to see how they fit. I will try and post photos. Again I am doing something wrong when I attempt to do this. Photos I take are in my computer but cannot transfer them to the site. Yes want to post them. I need to find another  21 Touring or other years that are the same in the rear close by to take measurements. Never see Dodge Bros. cars around here.  I am a member of DB club. Rodger  helps me out as I find issues that crop up. O.K. Thank you for direction on this. Hopefully post photos tomorrow.

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I just click on "choose files" that should open where the photos are kept, if not directly, then open the file where they are. If you want to load more than one, hold down the ctrl button down and click on photos, then click open, they then should load. The file size for loading is pretty small here, so you might get a notice that not all photos could be loaded. Add the ones you couldn't in another post. 

Edited by Mark Gregush (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, Thanks for all the responses. I did some checking and I have the correct rear fenders for 1921 Touring. Matched it up exactly to another 21 Touring built 5 months before mine but my chassis has the front of the rear shackle mount 1 inch forward of the other Dodge I looked at. Both cars have correct wheelbase. My chassis was not modified as best I can tell. The rear of the shackles on the other 21 is identical to mine so assume I have a longer rear springs needing the front shackle to be moved up 1 inch. Knowing I have  the correct rear fenders I am going to remove the for lack of better terms the rear fender extensions spot welded to the front of the fenders and lengthen them 1 inch and this will give me the grease fitting where it will be centered. And while I was fitting things up discovered I had 1918 running board splash aprons that were in the car when purchased. Luckily I bought a set of repro 1921 splash aprons some time ago and they fit perfectly. Hope I am out of trouble on this. Really appreciate all the support on my "Franken Dodge" as I am referring to her forum and members are extending to me. And found a few oval washers as someone posted in my bolt bucket for the rear fenders. Will make some knockoffs. Thanks to all until I find the next stumbling block.

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