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Looking at a '39 Plymouth for sale, would welcome some advice.


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There is one that overheats has some cosmetic issues but all in all a decent car for 24 OBO in the Northeast and one in Ca,  same color,  that also has some issues and was priced around 40 I think,  but, I'm pretty sure it won't sell,  a couple of years ago there was one for 25?  I think not far from me,  that eventually sold,  Ironically the same blue as the other two mentioned.  It looked pretty good,  but maybe not as good as yours and I just found a 40,  Pretty much a close comp,  that is all original except the top in black and read,  that looks really nice for original and that's 32.  


I like that green on yours. 

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It is funny how the fact that even back in 39 there was not too many of these produced, but you now have choices as to which one you want!

Mine was sold to a fellow in Burbank, CA. I sold it while I was still living back in PA. Once to fellow received the car, I never heard from him again. Not that he had some sort of obligation to keep in touch, but more that I was just curious how much he liked it being he bought it from photos. Overheating was never an issue with mine, but then again I never did any extensive driving with it either. I have a good friend in the Philadelphia area that still has his. He sunk a TON of money into it, but, it is his baby so the funds ran limitless....

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19 hours ago, auburnseeker said:

He's now labelled as just a guest,  so my guess is he left.  I've been seeing a few for sale. Seems 25G-35G is the price I see most advertised for.  That looked like a real good example. I would have guessed around 30G. 

No idea if it sold but when it was listed on another site locally in Ontario Canada it was listed for $42k cdn which is $32,620 usd.

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