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Early 1920's -late teens Buick project cars


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Basically 5 cars for sale.  Looks to be 3 early 20's Buicks plus 2 others. 

A brief run down of the cars 

- butterfly embossing on the radiator shell - 4 passenger touring car.  (Don't know the make) 

-grey primer one side/brown surface rust on the other, 2 dr Buick coupe.  

- green primer 2 dr Buick coupe

- Delivery Wagon

-4 passenger Buick touring car.

I did notice that the running boards have 3 supports, so these look like the larger 6 cylinder models.  


I will post more details as I learn more.  I may change this posting as corrections are made.  Cars are in New Hampshire.   His price is roughly $1,800 each if picked up in New Hampshire or $3,000 if purchased after he has moved the cars to Mass.  He possibly can help arrange shipping.  He does not have inside storage so he wants to move these quickly as it was a package deal to empty the barn.     


I am associated with the seller as I have dealt with him before as many of you have.  Contact is Vin Cassidy.  Vin specializes in antique wheels and rims and also picked up a large inventory of wooden wheels and demountable rims if you are searching for those. 

Vin 978-7fiftyeight-083four       


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Thanks for posting this Hugh:

 I had already contacted Mark about the possibility of 1922 Buick Headlights. The gray primer coupe appears to have 2 crankcases laying on the frame. I am confident that the 1923 Buick is a model 45. I looked thru most of my reference and I have not been able to place the little touring car as of yet. Very interesting radiator shell design!

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