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What do these Numbers mean

Paul C

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My car is a 1925 dodge Chasis/car number 286043   Bought from Standard Motors Sydney NSW   Australia.

  With the badge reading 67-854  Can any one tell what these numbers mean.. eg   Style of car, number sold.

  Brand of car.  Date of sale .     Thanks     

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Hi Paul, welcome.

Your chassis number will be found on the front left hand chassis rail, the manufacture date looks like March 1925. As per the sheet below.


Does your car have an all metal body or does it have a timber frame?

Most Australian delivered cars after 1917 were shipped as a rolling chassis and the body built here on a timber frame by a variety of body builders but TJ Richards were by far the most common.

The brand of car is Dodge Brothers.

The Brothers both died in 1920 a capital investment group initially tried their hand before selling in 1928 to Chrysler.

Pictures of your car please.

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For what it's worth, I should point out that Standardised Motors (Kloster and Harden) were both the distributors and assemblers of Dodge Brothers cars for NSW.  They also sold retail in Sydney but had agents throughout the State. Most Dodges assembled in NSW by Stadardised Motors were fitted with Holden's bodies shipped from Adelaide.  My 1925 roadster was sold new by my grandfather, a Dodge agent, and has an SM plate which I believe is related to assembly rather than retail.  My number is 67- 895 and date sold recorded as 24 July 1925.  Given the commonality of the first two digits with yours and the closeness of the following three I could speculate that 67 refers to a batch of kits received and the assembly number. From memory, Standardised Motors took over NSW Dodge distribution from Dalgetys in around 1921 (please feel free to correct me).  Both Kloster and Harden were former Dagetys employees. By 1925 it would not be unreasonable to assume that they had received 67 shipments from Canada and assembled nearly 900 kits. If I'm right, the plate Nigel posted above could possibly date from around 1928-9 before the distributorship passed to a new entity, Harden and Johnston. I understand that the former partners split, Harden receiving financial support from Johstone and Kloster taking up retailing Dodge/Chrysler in Newcastle.  

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