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I bought this early print years ago from an antique dealer in France, who I had purchased several items from previously.  When it arrived, I looked it over, then placed it back into its plastic wrap and put it into a drawer.  Found it again yesterday while cleaning and moving things around - it needed to be framed and displayed rather than hiding away in a drawer in direct violation of one of my own "rules of collecting."  PUT YOUR STUFF ON DISPLAY! 


I rummaged through my pile of thrift-store frames and discovered one that was a nice fit and looked pretty good.  With a little touch-up on the frame, clean glass and a plain black mat I cut myself in about 10 minutes, it's ready to be enjoyed.


The more I look at it, the better I like it.  No artist signature unfortunately. 



French print tire repair roadside.jpg

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Terry my friend has great advice. "PUT YOUR STUFF ON DISPLAY".

You bought it most likely because you love it, not for any "investment" ( I hate that word) but for the sensation of "feel good" visually and in some cases by touch as well. Sure you can't have on display every period piece of literature, periodical, map, photograph etc. but sometimes rearranging things to be able to view them more often helps. One of my favorite non automotive ( why it is not shown here) items I treasure is a fairly large towel out of the Graf Zeppelin that has a profile image of the air ship and its name embroidered into it as part of the design. It is just wonderful and has an automotive connection as it was in the estate of an automotive author who wrote articles back in the teens - 1920s for car periodicals and would travel to and from Europe via zeppelin and steam ships. I have looked at it hanging in my Study/Library for the past 40+ years.

This thread is a place to PUT YOUR STUFF ON DISPLAY as well too. Thanks to all of you who do so and take the time to get a photograph and give us descriptions, the education is fantastic, plus it gives us all an idea of what is really out there that was around 80+ years ago.


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