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Rucket Radar, I know what I have, It is a 66 std, they are alot nicer than a 69! I have more money than sense to argue! It is to bad that yours will never be in the same class as mine! Maybe you will be at Pebble next year? I will see ya, but I personally highly doubt that you will be there. If you are though, look me up in the Duese class! Nice chatting, I will never be able to keep up with you book worms! So good luck in all that you do!! And keep the correct info going to these guys that need it!!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

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Yes, we should ALL remember that this is what our hobby is about...having the nicest, bestest car, and making those with lesser know it. One thing is certain 66 Toroguy, you do, as you say, "have more money than sense"...though most wealthy people don't feel the need to wave their bank statements around! By the way, since RR has turned over his advisory duties to you, I did have some questions I was hoping you might be able to answer. For example, what were some of the more obvious Cord-inspired styling aspects of the 66 Toros? And since you mentioned Duesenbergs (at least, I think that is what you were trying to do), what is the relationship of that make to the Cords? And while you are at it, what can you tell us about the Grahams?

Or wait, should I infer from your closing lines above that you are leaving the forum? I mean, to register, engage in a "pissing match" as you called it in another thread, and then leave, all within a week?! I guess you feel you've accomplished what it is you set out to do.

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" And keep the correct info going to these guys that need it!!!" Thats right Glenn you help is well needed and appreaciated . Ignore that idiot , anyone that doesnt think tinted glass can be ordered as an option and is model specific is has no sence of reasoning. Whats his point anyhow ?

So I say ignore Bins brother and get back to business as usual there are people that need answers and I dont have them . I have one vote to elimanate axcess to this forum from that address. That attitude is obviously distructive and unneeded in this hobby.

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Gee, I don't know, maybe it was the grill, or was it the headlight doors, or maybe it is the rims, or was it the wheel flares, Grahm paige, maybe that was because they dabbled with front drive, I don't know?

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Hey guys, and gals, don't get all of your skirts and panties in a bunch!! I can only answer one question at a time do to the fact that I have a lot of stuff to do. I am guessing that the first test that was brought to me was some-what correct or I am sure that I would have even got more negative feed back than I should have, (only 11 responses) Rucket Rusty Radar, Did you see that I answered that question with out #'s Or refering to Oldsmobile shop Man page 1-13, sub-div 4, item # 3-6 photo # 2-A. This is what I have been trying to get through all of you thick and soft skulled yuk-yuks all along! A simple answer to a simple question!! Is there any-thing wrong with that? God, beat me up!!! I guess I am the A-- hole of the year!! I do have some positive things that I can help a person out with, but,,,,,,, I may-be wrong!!!! I think I will stick to Boeings, and Pratt and Whittneys.

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EARLY MODEL "T", Maxwell, Hupmobile, need a guy go on? what years? maybe early year Chrysler, Plymouth, what year? I can't tell you, if you don't at least give a year, Heck the new cars don't even have speed-o gears let alone throtle cables!! My Vette doesn't even have that, so let me know!!!!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

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One answer to "another old car's" question was the 1965 to 1970 B- and C-body Oldsmobiles (including but not limited to Starfires, Dynamics, Jetstars, Deltas, Delmonts and 98s). In those cars the speedo is run off the driver's side front wheel (and uses a funky grease-cap you better never lose!).

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> A simple answer to a simple question!! Is there any-thing wrong with that? </div></div>

No- if the question warrants a simple answer. You can't always reduce things to simplest terms and expect to get desired results.

I'm detail oriented. I drive a 2500 megawatt electric generating plant for a living, so I have to be. If a technical question calls for a researched and documented answer, that's what it will get.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I think I will stick to Boeings, and Pratt and Whittneys. </div></div>

If you're gonna service aircraft you'd better damn well be detail oriented. Or is your approach to flying as flip as your approach to everything else? Crash and burn, baby...

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It is to bad that yours will never be in the same class as mine! Maybe you will be at Pebble next year? I will see ya, but I personally highly doubt that you will be there. </div></div>

Nope- too hidey-hi for me. I'm not a champagne and caviar or Vuarnet sunglasses type. Last time I checked (here come them books again), there was only one 66 Toronado that had ever been invited to Meadow Brook or Pebble, and it ain't from Minnesota or California.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> If you are though, look me up in the Duese class.</div></div>

On a glass factory salary? Owens-Brockway here pays well, but not enough for that. You still living off Daddy's money? Or are you somebody's sugarplum?

ToroGuy, if you will look beside my name you will see a little yellow flag with an M in it. That means forum moderator. It means I can control who is on this forum and what is posted. Right now my private messages are running 100% in favor of banning you from the forum, but, being a fair sort, I'm not gonna do that yet because you obviously have some knowledge to share. I also find loudmouthed jerks entertaining, just wondering what they might say next to dig themselves into a hole.

So- I'm gonna put it to a forum participant vote. Should 66ToroGuy stay or go?

"Rucket Radar"

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I must say I can be an opionated sort when it comes to political & economical stuff but with the cars and car people I try to be reasonable and appreaciate what can be offered and learned and expect to be corrected when I'm misinformed and make wrong statements. It would be wrong to let me or someone that believes me to believe I'm right when I'm not. I can argue my point without directly insulting those I'm discussing it with.Indirectly maybe, intentionally never.

However 666togo, your the one with his panties all in a bunch. In fact your head going up in your crack is what caused it. You've been givin a chance to pull it out but the damage is done and your brain lost circulation for too long and I dont believe you'll recover. Thereby your usefulness here has no future.

ScottFE , I second that ! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

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If you can't figure that out why don't you look it up in one of your books!! Its pricks like you that give this club a bad name. I have yet to meet anyone who knows it all, I sure don't. I know what I have, and I know that I will never have to meet any of you guys in person. "thank god for that!" You guys don't have the common sense god gave a foot print! Have a good one! See ya! and B-F-D! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />

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