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Pontiac straight 8 engine Id help needed


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I have two L8 engines that I am trying to identify and any help would be appreciated.  I am trying to find a water pump for engine 1, and the water pump from Engine 2 will not fit on engine 1. Engine 2 was in my 1935 coupe, and I am trying to put engine 1 in it.


Engine 1 has P8WH-86643 stamped on the driver front pad and 8H216691X on the driver rear pad. It also has 514246 and 6191 (or 1619 if read upside down) are cast into the block. I thought this was a 1953 engine based on previous research, but I have a high compression head (514370) on it and my parts book does not list that part number for any Pontiac 8.


Engine 2 has K8PB11044 on the driver front pad and 8-65839 on the driver rear pad. I thought this one was a 1948, but the head (512121) and water pump (509114) that are on this engine are not listed in my parts book for any Pontiac 8 either.  

Sorry that the pics aren’t great, I will gladly take more tomorrow if anybody can tell me what views are most helpful.


Thanks in advance,




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Engine 1 is a '52 and engine 2 is a '48.  In order to use the '48 pump on the '52 engine, you have to drill and tap a hole.  It's been 30+ years since I did it, but I know it will work.  Just hold the old pump to the newer block, line up what you can and you will figure it out.  The casting numbers on cylinder heads are not the same as part numbers and Pontiac loved to change numbers.  The head will fit.  Good luck.

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Thanks Kurt, that was just the info I needed.  I will try and find a water pump for the '52, I just wanted to make sure I was ordering for the correct year (or correct make for that matter) before I start looking since all the part and casting numbers were throwing me off.



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