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Olds dealer stuff to be Auctioned!

Steve Moskowitz

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Steve, this is sad commentary on the current state of American business. I wish you luck in whatever else you try to do.

Most all the dealers around here were dualled, usually with Cadillac. None have closed up shop, but there's noticeably less activity around them these days without Oldsmobile in the sales mix.

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I am sorry to hear that Classic Olds is closing. This is a horrible way to be treated by Oldsmobile after all you have done for the company????? and us in the Oldsmobile clubs. I hope you do not loose your love for THE CARS. They will still be the same, only orphans without GM as a daddy. Lets us know what your future plans are.

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Thanks guys..I really appreciate the sentiments. It is an incredibly sad time for me and my staff but hopefully all of us will get things worked out. Every day since the announcement has been torture and I wish GM could see how important dealerships like ours are to the community. Our customers have had tears and our community is losing a very big taxpayer. There is pain everywhere.

Not sure what the future has in store for me but I will ALWAYS be an Olds guy. You don't change stripes because of "someone or something" else. I will still be volunteering any time I can give to Olds and hope to buy one of the last cars off the line,

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />

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