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A Pillar Trim Attachment


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Hi all,

A couple months ago I got an 89 for a very good price. The previous owner decided to try and install a sound system, and in doing so, pulled off a ton of the interior trim to run wires. After getting most of it back on through trial and error, I've been fiddling with the A pillar trim on the driver's side, and can't seem to figure out how its supposed to be attached. It looks like there should be some clips or something on the actual pillar itself that the trim slots into, but it looks like they're missing. I haven't been able to find any pictures of this area online, so any advice would be appreciated.


Here are some pictures of what I'm talking about


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Right so what I ended up doing was using some generic fasteners that were slightly too big for the hole, but fit into the slots on the trim, and pushed them into the holes where the clips used to be. Worked just fine, and the thing is on there secure as can be.

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