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grey reatta mats on ebay


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$125? $30? What is a reasonable price for the mats? You can't get a good pair of mats at WalMart for $30. $125 seems high for used mats but try and find a good pair of blue or grey mats. I have talked to 4 companies that make mats and they can't match the colors. I talked to another company about doing the mats and they couldn't get the logo the correct size even when I sent them an original mat. This thing of finding parts is flustrating, they want the business but don't want to do anything out of the ordanary......comments?

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Guest Reatta1

I'd like to find a pair of Reatta mats in saddle for my 88. Trouble with hard to find parts is that thay are usualy provided by outfits that figure if you want it bad enough you'll pay whatever they feel like charging. Law of supply and demand they say. This forum is about the only place I've found where you stand a chance of getting what you need at a reasonable cost. Lots of good folks here with the same goal to preserve a darn good rare car. smile.gifgrin.gif

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I can tell you from experience that prices vary ......Example

I was buying mats from a company in Alabama and reselling, the reason,

(1) When I first contacted them they did not have the logo digitized and the only way they would make the mats was if I paid for the digitizing....at the time the charge was $100. (2) they would not sell to individuals, too much paperwork etc. (3) While they claimed to have a pattern, it did not match the factory original.

How did I figure the selling price? I took the price they charge me, added a couple of bucks to recover the digitizing fee, added shipping. They also charged me $3.50 for drop shipping the mats, but the other choice was to have them shipped to Texas, then reshipped. So paying their fee was the logical thing to do. Then I added a small amount for using my money and I originally sold the mats for $80.00 including shipping. My cost was $65 so you can see I was doing if for fun.

Now they changed their policy and will only sell me 10 of the same color at a time and they must be shipped to Texas. This doubles the shipping and I have $650 of my money in them from day 1, and it could be in the bank. Because they want to bulk ship the mats, I must also buy individual boxes to sell them.

I still sell the mats for $89.00 including shipping and some may think that is too much, but I don't see anyone else selling them at any price.

Buick Atlanta has a mat with a "R" sunburst for $150 (I think) but they are a buisness and must make money. I just have to answer my wife when she ask WHY?

Also....many of the Reatta items I find are discovered after multible phone calls... Average call is probably $2-3 after you explain who you are and why you are calling and you get put on hold and transferred to three different people that finally tell you they can't help. Another example... the non-skid grids for '88-'89 mats. I started my search with the patent number on the grid. Called the patents office, got names, called those names, called the people they suggested, several dead ends. Finally found a company in Penn that made original Cadillac mats and they had some grids on mats. Started the negotiation. They wanted to sell me the entire mats because it takes manpower to remove the grids (they were going to scrap the mats) While their price was reasonable, the shipping would have doubled the price, then what would I do with Cadillac mats without grids? Somehow (after several phone calls) they agreed to sell me some grids. I purchased 40, as far as I know they are the only new ones left in the world. I sell them for $10 including shipping and am probably giving them away.

So how do you determine a fair price? Until you go out and do the leg work, spend your money, then wait until someone call........ the seller must establish the selling price.

I hate to ramble, but there are people looking for a bargin where bargins don't exist. Some people think these things just appear at my front door, well that is not the case. I love cars, and want to help establish the Reatta as a collectable Buick.

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Barney, you should have taken the Cadillac mats. They are the same design and fit as the Reatta's. Although without logo and the colors and nap may be different.

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After reading MoFo's initial posting, I think I'm changing my position about encouraging anonymous posters to register.... Oh, you earthlings! We don't that many weirdos on Melmac.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Mofo, I am as brown as toilet droppings, and though most here will not bother to comment, let <span style="font-weight: bold">ME</span> give you some <span style="font-weight: bold">VERY GOOD</span> advice...

<span style="font-weight: bold">Leave the racial crap on BlackPlanet.com!!!!!</span>

And as far as I am concerned, that want-to-be-special EBONICS garbage can go with it! It's offensive and that's NOT what we are about here.

The day will come when you'll NEED those very same "white childun" to help your "Black Arse" out of a jam, and I will be the first to advice AGAINST doing so.

Show some respect and intelligence and stop acting like a 300yr old

<span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">S L A V E ! ! ! !</span></span>

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For any of you looking for a good quality "daily driver" mat, you might check out what COSTCO has if you have a COSTCO in your area. I picked up a set of VERY NICE gray mats for $19.99 Of course, I am still patiently waiting for an opportunity to purchase a set of original or close to flawless repros some day, but these are really an excellent buy! Check them out in the automotive aisle at COSTCO. They also have a camel color avaialable. If for no other reason than to "save" our precious original mats!

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DL... I dont think yo momma rapper or whatever the hell the handle is , is even black sounds more like a sick young skin head with his hand down his own pants, while IT tries to make a point. and a further bet.... Has never seen a Reatta. This may sound like a rant but, DL Im no. 2 in offering to "help" this person. Hank

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