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1930 Packard 734 Speedster Sedan - For Sale

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  • 2 months later...

Aw hell, I'll pile on in too. 


Who likes to look at the original sales prices of this era? Who noticed how much more the sedans were? Who knows why? All the luxury and comfort was found in the sedans, especially the bigger and more exclusive versions. FIne woods, the best fabrics, vanity sets, even hat pins for the ladies were sometimes included. The roadster was basically the "cheap" car in most car lines. Notice the richness and luxury of the car's interior in this topic. The speedster and runabout bodies were lighter and made for more sporting performance, and the sedan was swift and luxurious transport for the enthusiast of the day. A 740-745 was also luxurious but not as fast. 


Fast forward to the collector car market. "IF THE TOP GOES DOWN THE PRICE GOES UP!!" is now the battle cry, kicking the best of the best aside. Whomever started that probably had a lot of open cars to sell, and too, maybe since they were open to more than just the breeze of a summer day the elements took them away sooner, or they scrapped sooner because at a time they were just "old cars", even the most beloved of the bunch. The cost of restoration, open vs closed, closed is more. Leather is cheaper than proper wool fabrics, save a few exotics or creative marketing. Who's priced the restoration of real wood moldings lately? I woodgrain the steel ones, but should I charge more for a single roadster dash because it's a roadster? Full disclosure to my fellow members and friends here, I know, I get it, I realize I'll never change the paradygm. Still, I imagine there's always going to be the few who understand and appreciate the period luxury of a closed car like I do. My opinion? This Speedster Sedan is a smokin deal (in today's vernacular).

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