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Prewar Div. Parking at 2018 BCA National Meet

Mark Shaw

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     It has been a long and often frustrating effort to get all-together chronological parking for all prewar cars at BCA national meets.  As many of you know, BCA Chief Judges have previously refused to allow chronological parking and/or refused to judge Buicks parked chronologically at BCA National Meets.  So, as National Director of the BCA PreWar Division, I informed the BCA Board that the PreWar Division will invoke procedure #5 of the Buick Club of AMERICA Standard Operating Procedures to park all PWD Buicks all-together chronologically regardless of judging class for all future BCA meets.

 SOP Procedure #5

·       4.1 National Meets:  Members of a Division are encouraged to present their cars at the annual BCA National Meet.

·       4.1.1 There may be a class or classes for the Division’s cars on the show field.

·       4.1.2 The Division will develop the method by which the Division’s cars are judged and by which awards are presented to cars in that Division.

       After many emails with the BOD & the chief judge, we finally have agreement.  So all prewar Buicks will still be judged while parked all-together for any class at the Denver meet. PWD members who attend the 2018 meet are being asked to help park all prewar cars chronologically within the designated Classes A B C & D.  So, when you arrive, please assist the Denver meet parking team and other prewar Buick owners as needed. 

     I will be coordinating with the Denver group on the show field parking layout so we can park all-together.  However, because not all prewar Buick owners are PWD members, I expect that some in the modified class and maybe a few others may feel uncomfortable parking all-together.  So, I ask those assisting the parking team to welcome all BCA prewar Buick owners to park with us, but not insist if they feel more comfortable parking elsewhere.  I am confident that all BCA members and the general public will be better able to compare Buicks in the different judging classes and better appreciate the many product developments in early Buicks when they are displayed this way. 

Mark Shaw

BCA PWD National Director

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Way to go Mark. I agree this will be very useful to see the changes thru the years when they will be parked in order.

The original cars, restored cars each have there own merit  and the original cars can always teach us a few things.

Looking forward to it.


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     Note the second line of my post:

  • "As many of you know, BCA Chief Judges have previously refused to allow chronological parking and/or refused to judge Buicks parked chronologically at BCA National Meets."  


The chief judge has agreed to judge all prewar cars entered for any judging class while they are still parked all-together.


Edited by Mark Shaw (see edit history)
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OK it was just where the word “still” was placed in the sentence that threw me off.  So, I understand it better when I read it like this - 

all prewar Buicks will be judged while still parked all-together for any class at the Denver meet 

Thanks for the explanation

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