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Could I live with this Color


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I usually like green cars as a rule but the shades on this Buick are a bit much. Still, I think it's ten times better looking than this '29 Lincoln currently listed on Craigslist here in LA. There's just no accounting for tastes.



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Mmmmmmm , yeah , Greg. That does put things in perspective, doesn't it ? In looking at renderings from catalogs a couple years newer than this Bu' , when Duco came on the market , this Buick might have been conservative compared to some. There is something coherent and harmonious about these colors , interior included. Many cars , some multi-million buck ones , are finished in modern industrial design hues and shades which never were available or applied in period. That Maybach that Ritchie had in the Imperial Palace years ago , the , what would you call it ? that mustard and muted green (was there yet another color ?) , with , I think , tan leather. Hey , I knew that car shortly after it came over from Germany 60 some years ago. The wonderful old car guy who had it let me , a little teen age kid on a bicycle , play around with it. I still remember the Grebels on it (stolen later from Murray's garage) , the firewall plaque which read : "Leistung 120 PS" , and the classy , stately black with red leather. Oh ! I am getting a flashback ! I can smell it ! And that instrument panel ! Was it 8 speeds forward and two reverse ? I am not sure I remember that correctly. You know , someone else's car , and everything. And I can see them as a designer's palette, to each his/her own. I do see this Buick. I do. I don't know what the original colors were , and I am not the least upset about it. I think it came off fine for the lady or gent who commissioned it. It is not the only one in the world. But Mr. Trudeau's Maybach looked better in its originality.   - Carl


P.S. : Someone commented about those driving lights. Not Trippes , they almost seem mid '20s correct drum buckets. Almost seem to be Pilot Rays , but I can not see them well enough. I have seen such , very rarely. A '24 or '25 Stutz roadster has a pair in the Elliot Museum. That is about mid point on the Martin County portion of Hutchinson Island , Florida , on the coast near Stuart , East Coast. North of Jupiter. Pay a visit if you can. Anyone have a fairly large (8" or so) , drum bucket driving light ? I could be interested.   - Carl

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