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Ignition/Magneto Switch for dual ignition?


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Hey guys,


    I need some help and guidance selecting a proper magneto switch for my Speedster build. My engine, a Seagrave Type F6 T-head has dual ignition with a distributor for one set of plugs and a magneto for another. I have a magneto switch but I'm not sure if it will work for this build. I believe it is too early and designed for a mag and trembler coil for starting. My engine has an electric starter and a hand crank, to engage the starter I have a floor mount starter button. These Seagrave engines are also 12-volt.


Any thoughts? 


Thank you.


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Just generic info, ..


The magneto needs to be grounded to make the engine stop.

The battery ignition needs to be powered to run from a switch.


I have no info on that switch, but it can't hurt to use an ohmmeter to figure it out.





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Can you post a picture of your magneto switch? HAHA That is a poke at the difference in terminology between 1915 and today.

In those days what we call a generator was sometimes loosely termed magneto with any other device that made electricity from a moving shaft.

I believe your Connecticut ignition switch is from a 1915-1916 Chevrolet and was used to select battery or ( in current verbiage) generator for ignition power source.

Edited by Layden B
spelling! (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Layden B said:

In those days what we call a generator was sometimes loosely termed magneto with any other device that made electricity from a moving shaft.


That is new to me :D, although I have seen the term dynamo to describe what we would call a generator.


My engine has what could be best described as a typical "vintage" electrical system that you would expect to see on a 30's or 40's car... its just older and surprisingly 12 volts. It has a convential Delco-Remy distributor, generator and gear reduction starter. But it also has a totally separate magneto... the original was a Bosch ZR6 that fired 6 plugs. My original is incomplete so I managed to source a Splitdorf Model SS (from another Seagrave engine) that was used when the engines were fitted with 18-plug ignition (6 on the distributor, 12 on the mag).


I have also attached a pic of the backside of my current switch.... it has 4 terminals: Bat 1, Bat 2, and 3 and 4 posistion.




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