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Question about State awards

Annie G

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I'm not sure if I stated that correctly in the title, but what I'm curious about is state awards. For instance, North Carolina has the "Red Bird" award. What other states have something similar to it. I received my Red Bird when in HPOF if that helps to clarify things :)


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I received my Red Bird when in HPOF if that helps to clarify things :)

Sorta clarifies it, but not totally. Is a "Red Bird" awarded by AACA nationally, or is it a Carolina thing? Is the "Red Bird" the North Carolina state bird?

Either way, congratulations.



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The "Red Bird" as it is generally known is the NC Region's award that is essentially equal to a National First Junior award.

From the NC Region Policy and Procedure Manual here is the explanation for the award:

Carolina Senior Red Bird.This award was adopted on March 18, 1972 and was first awarded at the 1972Region Spring meet. It was designed to recognize those cars across the state thatmeet the AACA judging standards of 1st place Junior. Any vehicle owned by amember in good standing with AACA or any Region of the AACA is eligible tocompete. First time winner scoring 365 points or better (or as National changes) willreceive the “Carolina Senior Red Bird”. It is only awarded at the Region Spring andFall Meets.

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Thank you for the explanation on how the award is given. :)

So are there other states that do something similar?

Annie, each region or chapter in every state designs their own award plaques or trophies. There is no fixed answer as regions and chapters operate independently from AACA National.


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From memory, I think that there are two other Regions who have awards that include similar badges to be mounted on the car. I don't want to give out any wrong information so I will let those who are familiar with what their own regions award answer the question.

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I checked with a friend who tells me that the two similar awards are from the Old Dominion Meet Association in Virginia and the New Jersey Region. Several of our local Chapter members have received the ODMA award but I have never personally seen the NJ Region's similar award.

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I am not sure exactly what you are asking but for the purposes of this discussion, The NC Region's award as shown in the first post is a Senior Award which is called the "Carolina Red Bird" more commonly referred to as simply the "Red Bird". It is awarded for a car at a NC Region Meet that receives the same number of points required for a National First Junior award. The NC Region does not have a Junior award.

If you are asking for the difference between a National Senior award and a National First Junior award, you can find that explained fully in the AACA Judging Guidelines.

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