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Hi everybody!

I own a Chrysler Windsor Deluxe 1951 and live in Sweden.

I just have to say that I am amazed over how much knowledge there is and how nice people are on this forum.

Here in Sweden there is not many guys or girls to ask things about my car, my father in law is an old car mechanic and he actually learned to work with cars in the 50s but mostly Volvo and there are some resemblens but not that much.

When I found this forum on the web I joined and start to ask some questions and...wow people just posted alot of answers and photos and tips/tricks and it feels like everybody is really interested.

I am so pleased that I found this place for all my questions, so I just want to say:

Thanks everybody for this splendid forum and for all the help and it would be so much fun to meet some of you and just talk old cars.


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You might be surprised how many fans of old American cars there are in Sweden, I know I was. They all post here and on other web sites.

It must be difficult, being thousands of miles from your source of supply for parts and from knowledgeable mechanics. But, with the internet and UPS, it is easier than it used to be.

We all want to see you enjoy your Chrysler, and have many safe and happy trips.

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Funny Post. My son lives in Sweden and we are visiting him right now. He lives in Mariestad.

We have been here several times in the last 7 years and I was amazed by the number of BIG American cars that are in and around this little town.

I was mamzed at the number of '59 Caddilac convertibles and other big convertibles I have seen here -- I think they reproduce them here.

We have been here for about a month and today we'll be going on out 3rd old car event since we got here June 3.

It has been really interesting to talk to the owners (most speak some english) and hear of their adventures.

My son has imported my wifes fathers mundane '65 Ford farm pickup - it was the first vehicle he had driven in the farm fields. Plus it is staying in the family. It will remain "used" original.


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Hi there Don!

What a coincident, if you still is in Sweden next weekend from the third of July till the sixth of July you relly should take a trip to Västerås because there is the biggest car meet in the world. Power big meet is like a whole weekend with so many cars that the city of Västerås is completely crowded with people and cars, and I live just 20 minutes from Västerås in a place called Kvicksund so IF you are going to this meeting give me a call here in this thread and I will send you my phone number. It is always fun and nice to meet people with that are intrested in old cars.


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