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1927 EU Engine

Guest TomB

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The cylinder walls in my 1927 EU Standard Six look pretty sad (need machining). I know sleeving the cylinder bores is an option, but I would like to know if there are any suppliers offering oversize pistons/rings for the EU Standard Six. I'm guessing some of you have already been down this road.



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I would get your piston specs and compare them to the specs for other cars. It seems like someone on here years ago told of rebuilding a GE dictator engine using late 1940's nash pistons. You need to know the diameter of your wrist pins and approximate desired bore, height from wrist pin to top of piston etc., then get a good piston book and find a match that you can machine to fit. Later model car piston's are often a lot cheaper.

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You could try Egge Machine Company. Probably won't be cheap ($1000 +) but I'm sure they can find you a solution. I think I have a set of used 0.020" over Light Six pistons but I'm not sure they are the same bore (3.125" standard) as your Standard Six. I'll go dig them up and let you know exact size and condition.


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