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1955 Defroster Another Problem

Paul Falabella

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Got the motor freed up. Painted the housing.

While cleaning up the squirrel cage the center part that attaches to the motor shaft came off.

It is roughly triangular shaped at the base with three nubs that fit into three holes in the bottom of the squirrel cage.

Cannot figure how to reattach. Does not look soldered or tack welded.

Anyone got the answer to this? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

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Are you sure it wasn't a WEAK rivet job?

If it fits flush, and the three NUBS fit in the old spots nicely, then you could put a dab of JB-weld on each nub and clamp overnight. I have had great results with JB on certain projects.. Drilling and rivets would be my first choice, that is if you have room to do such.

I wish you well,

Dale in Indy

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Not originally rivets,can't figure what bonded these two parts as surfaces are pretty clean. Never used JB weld,may try that as there is not much meat to rivet and the hub is pot metal. If the Weld stuff doesn't work I might try a large washer, drilled and bolted over the hub. Just need to clear the top of the motor. Always something.

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JB of course is a TWO PART EPOXY, been around for years, big seller. It is SLOW drying, overnight, I would NOT clamp to tight, maybe even its own weight would be best, don't want to squeeze all the epoxy out. It isn't like wood glue that likes tight clamping.

Try some on a couple pieces of metal and see what you think.

Dale in Indy

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Attached hub to fan with generous bead of JB Weld, cleaned excess from shaft hole, dabbed a little into holes on back and waited 24 hrs.

Tested with unit in hand, seemed vibration free. Installed in housing. However due to fact it was 93 here in NY,I was unable to produce any moisture on the windshield. The repair,so far so good.


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