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buick 4cyl D34 and E34


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G,day to all

Anyone rebuilding the engine of these four cylinder models?

at present we are rebuilding one of each. David C suggests the early D34 is probably from september 1916 theE 34 from march 1918. The D type with plunger oil pump and dimpled front engine sump. The E type with gear type oil pump and straight front sump. On the earliest engine of two that we have the cam followers run directly in the block on the later of our D there are replaceable guides.The gearbox housings are eggshell thin and have been welded severel times . One has been replaced with the stronger housing as a replacement part as it has no serial number,just a blank space. The E housings are much stronger. Why persist on the leather faced cone clutch on the four when the six was using multi plate sucessfully?

There are enough changes within a year to have made the spare parts jobber loose his marbles.

Interested to get others ideas on the rod bearings replacement.

We have made the new main bearing shells and line bored them but as yet to make a decision on the rods.

Max Burke Nulkaba Australia

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I still run leather cone clutches in my 4 cylinder Buicks. They lasted many years of use prior to restoration, so I see no need to change. They all work just as they should and require little care. (I do keep the clutch depressed with a stick when parked for long periods.)

Babbitt bearings also provide acceptable life when one considers the age of these cars. I also run babbitt bearings in all my cars and find that removing a shim every 5-10 years is acceptable.

My $0.02

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Max...I own a 1916 D35 and had the engine totally rebuilt using rebabitted rods and mains. Mains were align bored. at the same time I had an 1918 E35 engine totally redone as a spare. I ran the 1916 engine for about 1000 miles and then dropped in the 1918 engine to give it some running time. You are correct in the changes made between the D engine and the E engine. Presently I am interested in down sizing and my teens cars and all my teens parts would be available as unit. I can give you contacts if you are interested in rebuilding your engine here in the states. If so drop me a PM.

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