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Want to buy: 1930 Dodge DA Tail light Bracket

Guest danceswithpumps

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Guest danceswithpumps

I would like to add a tail light to the right side of my 1930 Dodge DA Deluxe Coupe for safety sake.;) I think I can bolt one on like the left bracket. Anyone have one for sale?

Thanks for your help.:)




Bracket is held on with the 2 bolts, one is missing on mine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest danceswithpumps

Back to the top. :) Anyone have an extra bracket like this? I have the tail light bucket.



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Hi Rod, as have prob. guessed by now these pesky brackets are very hard to come by, I dont have a spare and have never had a spare and looked for a very long time to get the one that is on my car now, as a matter of fact I never did find the correct one for my car here in the states but instead did locate the version for the split bumper which I re-manufactured to be correct for my car.

In the end I was lucky enough to find a fellow overseas that was kind enough to trade me his original un-modified version for my modified version, my version that was modified was un-detectable unless one were to put it under some sort of scope but I was still glad to make the trade.

Good luck, if you are really persistant in your search you WILL find one eventually

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I'm sure I recently read a thread about someone doing this double tail light conversion. I can't for the life of me find it again now, and I've looked and looked. I've read so many threads on here lately that I may have dreamt it, but I think they also manufactured their own using the original as a template.

Seems they may be an unobtanium based item. I would also give serious thought to a repro option.


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Guest danceswithpumps

Yes, they are hard to come by as nobody has stepped up to offer me one. I may try to make one or would settle for a reproduction.

Thanks, Jason and Dodgy6!:)


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I happened by chance to come across that thread I mentioned earlier. Things always turn up when you stop looking!

Not much help I'm afraid but you may find it interesting. http://forums.aaca.org/f143/i-need-taillight-bracket-1928-senior-306999.html

By the looks of the bracket in your pics, (I have not seen one in the flesh), the stem looks like a pretty solid affair. If I were looking into getting one made then someone with blacksmithing abilities might be a good start. The bracket look like something my Grandfather would have been able to maufacture in his forge.

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Guest danceswithpumps

Dodgy6, thanks for the link. Yep, my grandads did wonders with their forges. I'm sure this one could be made, however, the front of the bracket, towards the car is not conduit or pipe. It is rounded after it leaves the bumper. I should post a pic of the front side. The wires would be only partially hidden.

Thanks for your help.:)


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Dodgy6, thanks for the link. Yep, my grandads did wonders with their forges. I'm sure this one could be made, however, the front of the bracket, towards the car is not conduit or pipe. It is rounded after it leaves the bumper. I should post a pic of the front side. The wires would be only partially hidden.

Thanks for your help.:)


Ahhh, right. No need for the pic if it is too much trouble. I looked closer at the first pic and now see what you mean - esp your explanation of the wiring. Looking at the bracket where it mounts to the bumper it looks to be a solid piece so I figured it was that way all the way up. (Wrongly it would seem!)

Post that pic if you want to though - I'd find it interesting and may come in handy down the track.

Good luck with it and it would be nice to hear how you get on with it in the end. :cool:

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  • 3 months later...

Hi All

An old freind of mine made wooden patterns to cast both left and right tail light stalks from so I have to ask you D.A. owners out there to p.m. me if you would like to go on a list of those interested in buying one if I can get a casting firm to do a run.

I have interested buyers for 2 lefts and 1 right. I have no idea of costs, time etc. at this stage, just guaging interest before I aproach firms.

Regards Beetles

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Guest danceswithpumps

I listed one like this on ebay. Check it out in the Dodge Brothers parts.

Good luck on your Dodge Brothers.


Dean, if this is your item, thanks for listing but mine is held onto bumper bracket with 2 bolts instead of 1 as pictured in Robert's post.

Thanks for your help. Maybe someone on here needs one like yours.

Rod van Pelt

Dodge Brothers Tail light license plate holder Kansas 1942 Plymouth Graham-Paige | eBay

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Guest danceswithpumps
I found one while organizing. it is bent and rusty. the wire holders are bad. I'll mail it to you for $50.00. email me at dbracer26@aol.com

Got it, Bob. Thank you. I think I can make it work.

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