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Guest Randy Berger

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Guest Randy Berger

Does anyone know what happened to the <BR>King-Seeley company/corporation? They made gauges and instruments for many cars? Can't locate them as a business or on the internet confused.gif" border="0<BR>Thanks in advance fo any response. grin.gif" border="0

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Randy:<P>You were probably looking in the wrong spot for them (as I did once). Try this link:<BR> <A HREF="http://www.thermos.com/history/history2.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.thermos.com/history/history2.htm</A> <P>Right from their site:<BR>"During the first 50 years, Thermos had a relatively stable ownership. In the next three decades there were three major ownership changes. In 1960, the U.S., U.K. and Canadian companies were purchased by the King-Seeley Company to form the King-Seeley Thermos Company."<P>Their site doesn't mention anything about the other divisions of King-Seeley, though.<p>[ 03-30-2002: Message edited by: Chris NJ ]

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Guest Randy Berger

Chris, thanks for the reply. After further search I discovered that Chrysler had swallowed up the auto division of K-S and then it was rolled into a part of Introl and then ... confused.gif" border="0 Nothing left to hang your hat on or contact with questions.

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Brian Joseph of Michigan (Duesenberg expert/restorer) sells the VERY small capillary tubing and fittings needed for the gauges, and I think Stan Gilliland of Auburn Cord Parts in Kansas sells the colored liquids. IF you can get your hands on a copy of the Auburn Owners manual there are pages on servicing, repairing, priming etc of the gas and oil gauges, as well as how to calibrate them. IF you hit a dead end, email me and I will photocopy the pages and slothmail them to you.

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