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OT: What's the scam?


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I've noticed during the past couple months when I make an inquiry to a private party ad (whether for a car or some electronic gizmo), there has been a few times I'll call the number provided and I'll get a recording that the voice mail feature hasn't been set-up. And on a related note, the e-mail address associated with the ad doesn't reply to the inquiry. I assume I'm calling a cell phone (or am I?). Nevertheless, if *I* had a listing to sell an item, I'd make sure my phone/voice mail/e-mail was working correctly and attended to post-haste.

My gut tells me these ads are part of a larger scheme of something devious. Is it that my e-mail or phone number is known to the seller upon making the inquiry (I usually block the caller ID feature and use an e-mail address specific for buy/sell inquiries)? Knowing my DNS...does this allow for hacking my computer? Anyone have a similar experience?

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Not sure if there is a scam beneath this or not. I wouldn't be surprised, although I think a lot of this is just due to people being flakes. I have had a number of craigslist ads I inquired on (not cars, but tools and electronics) and never heard back.

The ones that really annoy me are those who only will accept email reply through a craigslist "private" link. It seems if you are sending from a yahoo or gmail account, your email gets bilged automatically as spam on the receiving end. Apparently a conventional pop3 email account through a dedicated ISP service is not as prone to this.

As far as the "seller" hacking you by getting your DNS or IP address, these are easy to get anyway, and need not involve fishing for the data by placing bogus ads that garner replies from potential marks.

Seems like the big scam with cars is still buying with a bogus cashier's check, or wire transferring more money than is needed, with a request to wire back the difference. We all know how these scenarios end up.


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I guess I am a flake like Kevin says. :)

I prefer emails for several reasons but the two biggest are there is only so much time in the day and if I am talking on the phone I am not getting anything done, and, very often I am not sure if I have the part in the right color and the condition of the part. This then requires a second phone call and most of the time a phone call is at least 15 minutes. Emails for me are 24/7 but on my schedule and most of the time I will respond evenings and weekends to email.

I purposely do not have voice mail set up on my cell phone because I feel my cell is for my friends and family. Very often I will call return a call on my cell phone that I had received on my home phone and I will leave a message to call me back at home but folks pay no attention and then look at their caller ID and call my cell phone. My cell has gone off late at night, Saturdays and Sundays and even on Sunday morning while I am in church ( because I forgot to shut it off ) by folks looking for Reatta parts.

Other than Mike who says people can call him 24/7 I don't know of any parts supplier of any kind that is open at 6 AM or in the evenings or Saturday afternoon or on Sundays.

I know only very few people will see this but most of the time someone will call and I am not home and they will say " Jim, I need a part. Call me back."

When calling anyone and leaving a message, on the message leave what part you are looking for and the color if important and the year of your car and any other pertinent information so when you do receive a call back the caller can have the information available as to whether or not the parts is available.

As to Craigs list, because there are so many crooks out there, when I list something I do not put my home phone number but do put my cell or have them email me with their phone number. This way on initial contact the person does not know were I live and cannot show up uninvited.


Edited by Jim (see edit history)
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Surely you don't think I was calling you a flake? And don't worry, I won't call you Shirley. Ok, not my usual style of humor there. Anyway, your situation is perfectly clear: the "ground rules" (preferred method of communication) are plainly stated for those who wish to contact you. Anyone who cannot follow basic directions (as in calling you when you specifically ask to be contacted by email) is the one engaging in flakiness.

Anyway, it seems a lot of people, not just those who purportedly have something to sell, are guilty of one of more of the following on a regular basis:

1. Not returning calls when messages have been left.

2. Failing to have their voice mail setup, when they have specifically given that number as a means of contact. Yet, they have left no way to leave a message if they don't answer the phone live.

3. Never erase their old messages, resulting in a full voicemail box, and thus no way to leave a message as your call gets truncated. Oooh, now there is a great but infrequently used word.

4. Look at the caller ID, and return the call on that number, even when the message requested the return call to a different number (do they actually listen to the message?)

I could go on with this line of thinking, but I rest my case. Some people just don't give a rat's @$$ about courtesy and doing things the right way. All we can do in response is decline to deal with such individuals.


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I purposely put the smiley face after my saying "I must be a flake" to let you know I was kidding but in reality I am sure I a flake or worse, sometimes.

Bushwack, On this trip I picked up some of the fasteners we talked about a week or so ago and can send you some no charge, if you still want them. Let me know.


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Guest steveskyhawk

I have an Iphone and find answering part request calls and emails effortless. The only time I don't answer my phone is if I'm sleeping, watching Two and a Half Men or the Steelers.

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