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July Bugle Delayed

38Buick 80C

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The July Bugle was delayed so the Roster could be attached. However the roster may come out with the August issue to avoid further delays. I will update this as I know more.

This note is also being sent to all Chapter, Regions and Divisions contact so it filters out to as many members as possible. Thanks.

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Thanks Mike & Nancy. It probably got held up just after getting into the system, then things were just getting started again before we left. We'll be home Friday and I forget if the mail starts back then or the following Monday.

You know that I just felt like grumbling, right? It can't be all bad spending today at the Bay of Fundy, then taking in a national historic site dealing with my Acadian (partial) ancestry. Of course, Boston and MA tie into that history as well...can't get away from it this vacation.

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