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This is what I'm talking about


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Springtimegoing to the first car show of the year. Driving down the road in 83 Buick Riviera. Windows down 70° and catch another people going to show or flea market. Enjoying three days with good people just relax and go home. Oh by the way breaking down 300 miles from home it's just the joy of things. When you drive these old cars you have to expect the breakdown. Seeing cars being driven, and trailer Queens priceless, walk in a flea market and find things and eating fattening food priceless, looking at all those pretty Buicks and talking with friends priceless, renting a truck and trailer and fixing head gasket about $800 but still worth it.


have a great Buick DAY

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I like your attitude, sir!

I'm going to have to tune up my patience levels a little bit for this summer's driving season. I'm guessing I have a few breakdowns in my future, thanks to a new purchase (more on that another time... :) ). I'm going to make an effort to keep this post in mind any time something goes wrong. It's part of the deal.

Thanks for reminding me!

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Guest Kingoftheroad

Yep, a breakdown is bound to happen, in a new car or old car. Old cars are just cheaper & easier to fix ! For the most part....

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