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Where is this car now?


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No idea where that one is, but my uncle was the French car mechanic here for many years. One of his bennies was use of a company car, the dealer's thinking being to get those Renaults/Peugeots out on the road and visible. We saw on a regular basis: 10, 12, 16, Fuego along with an assortment of Poojoe's. He had left to start his own tractor repair business before the LeCar came out.

He bought and drove a light green 1969 R-10 for years. He always said the first lesson in servicing a French car was to learn to swear at it in French.

He got my cousin an early 60s Peugeot 404 when she became driving age and she initially refused to drive it to high school. Fine, says Buck. You can keep riding the school bus. So she drove it.

When the boys found out it was a four-speed (albeit on the column) the Poojoe immediately became a cool car in the high school parking lot.

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