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glass reflectors for gas lights

Guest trainguy

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It is generally believed that with Lancaster Glass selling their business and the new owners consolidating products, there are no new glass reflectors for gas headlamps available. Not that their products covered the need anyway. They only produced certain focal length mirrors that did not function properly in all lamps. You will have to source from what loose ones are out there or buy lamps to remove the reflectors. Your local glass/mirror company may be able to help you with resilvering.

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This has already been done. They look good and work well but they don't have the look most people want in their lamps. I have a set on my '09 Maxwell. These are the 6" size and common to the early Fords. They are available from most of the early Ford vendors. I have had old mangin mirrors resilvered with success and some came back with what is called "glass staining". These markings show in front of the silvering process and I was told it was impossible to remove them. ---Bob

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Guest Alan958

Would it be possible to have a metal spinner spin up some reflectors out of stainless of appropriate diameter and curve profile and polish them? I think

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