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Steering Gear Dodge Senior 2249


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I have problems with my steering gear. It`s a gemmer gear. All adjustment possibilities have been used.

Does anyone have experience in or info about rebuilding the gear? Anyone know where to get spare parts or even whole gears?


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Possablity that its not the gears or rather it may be now but it may have all started with the bearings shattering and then the rest of the internals would be thrown out of wack, then of course whoever was the owner before you figured it best to keep driving it that way and just strongarm the steering wheel every where he went and then when he finally did decide to sell it after abusing it many years and putting minumum band-aids on things he had rigged and he told you that it steered hard because it needs tires.

Best bet is to remove the box, take it apart yourself and see what it needs or you can do like most other people and find a Vega or some other piece of crap and use that box by jerryrigging it once more. Thats the easier way out.

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While searching for solutions I was looking at the whole steering linkage and tried moving it around and it didn`t budge at all. The steering arm has a play of 0,2755 inches with the wheels in the straight-ahead position, without moving the steering wheel at all.

Could this account for my car not running straight while on the road? Does anyone else have problems like this?

Here pictures of my steering gear.





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It would help if you said what problems you are having, you did not in your first post but now in your third you are stating that it wont go down the road straight, is that your only issue? People here ( even myself ) have experience in rebuilding the box but unless its clear what the problem is than its hard to guess what might be wrong and get it right.

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The first thing I would do is strip down the drag link and examine all the parts carefully.The cup's concave surfaces should still be case hardened . Cup (A) will probably be fine as the spring absorbs road shock, but cup (B) will probably be very worn ; on my 2249 both (B) cups were 3/32" over size, luckily I managed to buy a good second hand pair. it made a huge improvement to the steering.


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  • 2 weeks later...


thanks for the advice, will look into it. Where did you get those parts?


Thanks for the tip I`ve contacted the person, but he`s building a different type of Gemmer Gear and sadly cannot help with my problems.

Thanks everyone.


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Myers had a second hand set.Strangely, it appears no one is manufacturing new cups at the moment; I may have a batch made later in the year.

A friend of mine has had a computer program written to enable new gemmer worm gears to be cut (LHD 338500); one has been made and is currently being tested in his 1928 Dodge Standard. I believe the 338500 worm was used in the Dodge Senior,Standard , victory six and Fast four.

No decision has yet being made as to whether the worms alone or sector and worm sets, will be manufactured for sale

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