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Judges Newsletter Size


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Peter ~ The judges newsletter still comes through, on my computer screen at least, too wide to read without shifting the page. Are you making any progress on improving that, or am I the only one with a problem? <P>Howard

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Short of spending an hour on it there really isnt much i can do. <P>Have you considered increasing the resolution of your monitor? It's not hard to do. Right click on your desktop - choose "properties", the the "settings" tab. In the "Screen area" move the slider bar right till it says 1024*768. My guess is it's 800*600 right now. <P>Peter

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Hey Peter,<BR> I, like HVS, had problems viewing the judges newsletter because it was too wide. <BR> frown.gif" border="0 I tried your suggestion of changing the "Screen Area" from 800*600 to 1024*768 and went back to the newsletter. Sure enough, the Judges Newsletter was displayed on my screen! smile.gif" border="0 <BR> Unfortunately, this setting made my 17" monitor display items in a smaller size like my old 15" monitor and my eyes can't take it. Could it be that the newsletter was uploaded in an incorrect size that makes it appear too large for some of us? I sure would like to enjoy the best of both worlds!

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Ron (and Howard),<P>No, it was not uploaded in the wrong size. I got the file electronically from a national officer in MS Publisher format. I had two choices, either use the canned feature in MS Publisher to create webpages out of it -or- completely redo it by hand. One took a few minutes. The other would take maybe an hour. I took the easy route.<P>Unless there is a real issue having to scroll from side-to-side with a majority of users I'm not going to spend the extra time to make it FIT a smaller screen. It seems find just the way is.<P>Peter

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Hey Peter,<BR> Thanks for the explanation and no, I don't fault you for the route you took to make the info available. The important thing is that the information is easily available for all of us to read! grin.gif" border="0<BR> Since I am not familiar with MS Publisher, my question is this: If the file you received used 24pt text for the heading and 12pt text for the body, would the display be narrower if the file used 18pt text for the heading and 10pt text for the body? Just curious.

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Honest, I'm not complaining or being a crabby old phart. I just think I can wait for mine to come via the US Mail. My life ain't in such an all fired rush that it need it <B>NOW!</B> smile.gif" border="0smile.gif" border="0smile.gif" border="0smile.gif" border="0 ~ Howard

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Well, just for the hell of it I tried the recommended settings. Succeeded in getting a single spread newsletter which then left everything else too small for easy reading. We aren't all 35 you know.<P>Since there is an alternate way of receiving the newsletter there are those of us who will follow it, rather than screwing up everything else.<P>Now I have just one impertinent question. If we are going to put this thing on here for use by the membership isn't it worth an hour to make it useable by <B>ALL</B> of the membership? Shouldn't this thing be serving us rather than us serving it?<P>Perhaps AACA should pick up the cost of that extra hour. They can afford it. We should not expect charity, at least not any more than we are already getting. smile.gif" border="0<P>Now please don't tell me I am the only one who is unhappy with the current format. If you can assure me that I am, I will gladly shut up. ~ Howard

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Howard,<P>The time will soon come when the National Office will have to take responsibility the expense involved in maintaining it. <P>When they do then little things like this will no longer be an issue. (enough said)<P>Peter<P>[ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: peterg ]<p>[ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: peterg ]

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<B>PETER ~ I WANT YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO READS THIS TO KNOW THAT I REALIZE FULLWELL THAT ALL OF THE TIME AND EFFORT YOU GIVE TO THE AACA SITES IS WITHOUT COMPENSATION, AND THIS SHOULD NOT BE.</B> mad.gif" border="0 <P>Yes, I know I am shouting and I hope it is heard and understood by all.<P>The AACA Board of Directors needs to face up to the fact that there is no <I>FREE LUNCH!</I> and in order for us to have this site remain a first class operation, thay cannot run it on the cheap.<P>As for Headquarters, I will restrain myself on that subject.<P>Howard<p>[ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: hvs ]

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Howard, you must be getting soft in your advanced years, to show so much restaint! smile.gif" border="0 <P>I had the same problem viewing the newsletter, but found if I went easy on the horizontal scroll, I could get all three columns on the screen. I've got a 19" monitor, so everything isn't too small all the time. I tried Peter's way too. It took about twenty seconds to complete the setting change. By just minimizing the site, first, to get to the desktop, and then resetting, you don't lose much time.<P>I don't think HQ will ever to able to afford to maintain the website as well as Peter has. This must take more of his time than a ground-up restoration of an early thirties dual-cowl phaeton would. wink.gif" border="0

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Kudos to Peter and Ron for launching this site and bringing it to what it is today. The subject of Free Lunch makes me uncomfortable. Why? it's because I feel we DFers are the ones who have been getting the free lunch. If every DF registered user was also an AACA member, we would only represent 10% of the AACA membership. Aren't we being a little premature in pretending to be an influential force over the whole membership?<P> I fully agree that Peter and Ron should not be imposed upon any more than they have thus far. I believe there can be several moderators to monitor the various subjects. Some of the more computer literate can also re-format AACA materials to fit on the web site. This could allow Peter to spend his efforts as the site achitect who maintains oversight and coodinates the inputs submitted by others.<P> I know an Internet Chairman position is in existence. What his charter may be; I have no idea. A quick scan through the Policies and Practices Manual yielded nothing directly addressing the Internet.<P> Rather than us getting our collective blood pressure elevated out of sight; why don't we make the Internet Chairman aware of our concerns?<P> Tom

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Tom ~ If our Internet Chairman isn't tuned in here and is not fully aware of our concerns and Peter's benevolences, then perhaps the wrong person is in that position.<BR>This is a completely unbiased observation since I have absolutely no idea who that person is.<P>OlJalopy ~ I think Headquarters can well "afford" to maintain the site. I am convinced that they have neither the will nor the ability to do so. Let's give fair compensation to the man who got us where we are and let him run this thing as part of his business and not out of generosity to his and our hobby.<P>I shudder to think how out of date this site would quickly become were it to be run from HQ.<P>But then those are just my opinions. I could be wrong. ~ hvs

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Howard ~<P>When I said "afford," I meant much more than just the dollars involved. Time and effort are the greater parts of the equation. If they couldn't post an e-mail regarding the situation with the Nov-Dec AA, how could they ever keep up with the rest? confused.gif" border="0 <P>I fully agree with the idea that it is about time to financially support the site. Keeping up with and implementing all the advances in the technology is much more than anyone should expect a "volunteer" to do. It should be thought of in the same way as maintaining any of the assests of the AACA, from the buildings to the computers. Are volunteers expected to mow the lawn or plow the driveways? Probably not - people who perform those services as a business are most likely engaged. What's the difference?<P>Like, you, these are my opinions, and I too may be wrong. OJ smile.gif" border="0

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There are over 6.000 registered members on this forum. Why don't we just send PeterG a $1.00 each? That will keep him motivated & I don't know anyone that deservs it more then him for keeping this site running. grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0 <P>Like Howard says: I could be wrong, but I don't think so grin.gif" border="0

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If there were a way to move this thread over to the General Forum, I think it would get much more exposure and comment. Maybe something good would even come of it. I think it is sort of lost here, with few DFers getting down here to read and appreciate what is going on here.<P>Therefore, I respectfully suggest that the Webmaster treat this as a formal request from hvs [Howard Scotland] to transfer the content of this thread to the General Forum for further and more broad based discussion. <P>Will you do that for us Peter? Please smile.gif" border="0 ~ hvs

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Let's take the simple things first. The Chairman of the Internet Committee has been working hard during his first year on the AACA Board and is doing an excellent job balancing a lot of demands. Howard can vouch for the difficulties a freshman director has. Unfortunately, he is on the road at this time without access to the net so he will not be able to respond to these comments. Give the guy a break!<P>The idea to put the judging newsletter on line has been in the mill for about two years. (recall my statement about elephants mating in another thread). It finally got approved with the condition that it be electronically transferred to Peter. The format and size is that selected by the editor of the newsletter, so if there is a problem, the comments should be directed to that individual, not Peter.<P>Eventually, the AACA Board and National Headquarters will have to belly up to the bar and accept the responsibilities for operating the web site and DF. Now is not the time. Please give some breathing room so we can continue to function and improve these operations. <P>Right now the whole operation is run by hobbiests for hobbiests. If we push too hard it may be operated by costly contractors who have no understanding the hobbiests.

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Father Ron,<P>Your points are well taken, but if no one ever begins the stirring process then nothing will ever move. I am the designated stirer.<P>Someone far smarter than I, [somebody please fill in the blank as to who it was], said, "A body at rest tends to remain at rest while a body in motion tends to remain in motion. Or something close to that.<P>I figure if we all sit and wait for something to move, without giving it a shove from time to time, things will remain at rest right where they are.<P>But then a little better communication from inside the tent to those of us on the outside, might reduce the frustrations leading to agitation.<P>Again, just my opinion. smile.gif" border="0 <P>Those of you know the story about LBJ and his remark about inside and outside the tent, will understand what I mean. The qoute will only be repeated here with permission from Father Ron rolleyes.gif" border="0 ~ hvs

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Ron -<BR>What you are saying is certainly reasonable. Except consider that the rate of change in web/computer technology is a lot faster than the AACA "inside the tent" reaction time.<BR> rolleyes.gif" border="0<P>If we're the leading club in the hobby, we ought to be just a little more proactive in looking and acting like it.<P>By the way, it's interesting to think of hvs as a Reggie Jackson "think alike". shocked.gif" border="0

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Everyone loves a circus! 'cept maybe the animal rights folks grin.gif" border="0 <P>I thought the underlying purpose of this thread was to begin a movement toward justly compensating the Webmaster for the application of his considerable talents on behalf of the AACA.<P>I don't buy the idea that there are too few members participating to justify the expense. While all AACA members may not have computers and the ability to join in the DFs, they all still benefit from the site in the same manner as those members who never attend an Annual Meeting, a National Tour, or National Meet benefit from the publicity and comradary which promote the organization. AACA does not exist because of the activities; the activities exist because of AACA, and because of them AACA has become the Standard. As AACA has grown through the years, the website participation will also grow ~ only much faster! Just look at the numbers. <P>Contractors need not be "expensive" nor non-hobbiests. No one is suggesting that Peter be replaced, only that he be justly compensated for his work. Why not just establish a budgeted fund for website expenses, and provide for site maintenance? confused.gif" border="0confused.gif" border="0 <P>OJ

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hvs, Go ahead with the tent. I've already told the elephant. But I do have an objection to the implication that we are standing still with the web site. I am in awe of the progress we have made during the last couple of years. I would love to be able to tell how this has happened, but some discretion is required. Let it be sufficient to say, we've come a long way and there's more to come. Be patient. wink.gif" border="0

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Father Ron ~ I am not agitating solely about the somewhat slow progress of the web site. Right now it's about the absence of recognition for all of the time and effort put forth by our masterful Webmaster Peter Gariepy. Without Peter's dedication we would be nowhere.<P>And now, for the rest of the story. LBJ's story that is.<P>Back when LBJ was President one of his advisors asked LBJ why he had a certain person on his staff. The advisor complained that the man was, unreliable, unethical, probably dishonest and generally a bad person to have around. The advisor said, "Why do you have that man on your staff?"<P>LBJ replied, "Because, I would rather have him on the inside of the tent pissin out than on the outside pissin in!"<P>Well, I figure my place now is on the outside of the tent, having spent many years inside learning what goes on and how things work. [or don't work] And I am drinking a lot of water.<P>Somebody has to keep those on the inside on their toes. rolleyes.gif" border="0 ~ hvs

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1937 -<BR>Well, earlier on this thread hvs claimed that he was a "designated stirer". Then I made the comment that he seemed to "think like" Reggie Jackson. Then hvs e-mailed me asking for clarification. My reply was:<P>Subject: Re: Reggie<BR>Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 12:02:22 -0500<BR>From: ted schneider <hlthsrch@bellatlantic.net><BR>To: HVScotyard@aol.com<P>Howard -<BR>You've got to be a Neew Yawker or at least have lived there to really appreciate Mr. October. His famous answer to a question of why he was always the center of controversy on the Steinbrenner Yankees was "I'm the straw that stirs the drink". I believe that's an accurate quote.<P>On another level, Reggie is an interesting character. Reportedly he has a very high IQ, also played Mr. October type baseball for the A's, has a fabulous car collection - ala Jay Leno, and unfortunately could be a complete jerk when he wanted to. As you have probably guessed, I'm a sports junkie, especially baseball.<P>To see Reggie at his self promoting best, take a look at: <A HREF="http://www.reggiejackson.com/" TARGET=_blank>http://www.reggiejackson.com/</A> <P>His taste in collectable cars runs to muscle, speed, hot rods and exotics. No surprise.<BR>Ted<P> smile.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0cool.gif" border="0

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