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AC/Heater Control Unit Vacuum Lines


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When I bought my '65 someone had removed the dash, but did not reinstall all the parts correctly. There are 2 vacuum line blocks which attach to the ac/heater control unit (see picture). One block as 6 lines; the other has 4. The lines were not all inserted into the blocks. I believe I have the lines re-inserted to the blocks correctly, by length.

Does anyone have a diagram of how the lines should be inserted into each block? I looked through the '65 service manual and there is a diagram for non-Riviera models, but not for the Riviera.

The lines appear to be color coded so I can use that as a reference. In addition, I believe I have determined the proper attachment on the other end of the lines, so I can use that to reference as well.




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Before I checked this thread I actually came across the same diagram in my service manual, about 5 minutes ago. I guess in my frustration I passed right over it.

I believe the lesson I am learning is to never buy a car that looks like someone removed the dash with a hammer and crow bar.

Thanks again

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  • 1 year later...

I just went thru similiar problem with 67- luckily I had shop manual and a spare control head. One big hint- make sure that after you get the correct lines to the correct ports, DO NOT RE INSTALL THE RUBBER BLOCK UPSIDE DOWN. Trust me on this one.

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